DOCUMENTATION 2: On July 22, 2005, Ms. Elvira Rocco of the Automobilismo Storico, Archivio Alfa Romeo, releases the signed statement to Angelo Strada (the known classic car dealer from Milan who had restored the SVZ 4458)
"Gentile Signor Strada, secondo i nostri registri, al telaio AR 1493.04458 corrisponde in origine una vettura Alfa Romeo Giulietta Spring Veloce di Colore Azzurro Nube (AR 305) prodotta il 20 maggio 1957 e venduta il 3 luglio 1957 al Signor Sergio Cannara di Busseto. Le precisiamo che i dati su riportati sono" esclusivamente informativi e non certificano l'autenticita' della vettura in questione. (Dear Mr. Strada, according to our record the frame AR 1493.04458 corresponds originally to an Alfa Romeo Giulietta Sprint Veloce Light Blue Cloud (AR 305) produced on May 20 1957 and sold on July 3, 1957 to Mr. Sergio Cannara of Busseto. Please note that the reported data are solely for information pourposes and do not certify the autenticity of the considered car.).
Copy from a private collection of an apparent original drawing by Zagato of the SVZ. Note in particular the angle of the front light recessions and the shape of the body around the front and rear wheels.
A side view of Cannara original SVZ 4458. Note the matching of the body lines with the above original drawing.
A side view of the 1959 Giulietta SVZ \ 6184 (the 13th in Giugno's Family Tree reproduced above) sold at the RM Auction in Monaco on May 12, 2012. for 414.000 euros *For details, please download the file
Giulietta SVZ # 6184). Note the matching of the body lines with Cannara's original car.
ide views of the Giulietta SVZ # 4458 in its current status. Note the matching of the body lines with Cannara's original car.
Front page picture and article of SVZ # 4458 in Alfa Romeo (US), August 2009
History and documentation of SVZ # 4458 in Alfa Giornale
Article on SVZ cars at Sport Car Market, August 2011
Uploaded: December 19, 2007 and December 9, 2019