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October 5, 2014

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Historical Confirmation of the Laboratory
Synthesis of the Neutron from the Hydrogen


Experimental Verifications in Nuclear Physics
Ruggero Maria Santilli

R. M. Santilli and A. Nas

R. M. Santilli and A. Nas

12 minutes long movie on the experiment accessible from the link



Pamela Fleming
Vice President
The Institute for Basic Research

Invited keynote lecture at various 2014 international meetings,
including a presentation at the Mediterranean Foundation with
closed TV broadcast to eight countries:

Experimental Verifications in Nuclear Physics
Ruggero Maria Santilli

In this historical lecture, Prof. R. M. Santilli (CV establishes the inability by Einstein special relativity and quantum mechanics to represent basic events and experimental data in nuclear physics, including:

1) Inability to represent the synthesis of the neutron from the Hydrogen atom inside stars, because the rest energy of the neutron is bigger than the sum of the rest energies of the proton and the electron, thus requiring a "positive binding energy" with resulting "mass excess" that are anathema for special relativity and quantum mechanics. Organized interests on Einstein simply ignore this most fundamental nuclear synthesis in nature and its study is prohibited at Ph. D. courses around the world, except at the Institute for Basic Research and affiliated universities.

2) Inability to represent the magnetic moment of the simplest nucleus, the deuteron, with embarrassing deviations for the magnetic moments of large nuclei. Rather than admitting the clear insufficiency of the basic theories, organized interests on Einstein retort to incredible manipulations to maintain old theories, such as the use of the hypothetical orbits of the hypothetical, undetectable and unconfinable quarks (see below for a denunciation of the politics on quarks).

3) Inability to represent the spin of the deuteron with equally embarrassing deviations for the spins of larger nuclei. The deuteron is believed to be a bound state of a proton and a neutron whose only stable coupling for quantum mechanics is that in singlet with total spin 0, while the spin of the deuteron is 1. Rather than admitting the inapplicability of Einstein special relativity and quantum mechanics, organized interests on Einstein retort to truly incredible scientific schemes, suich as the concoction that the proton and the neutron are in excited orbits with spin 1, thus violating the fundamental law of quantum mechanics requiring for all bound states to have a ground state with 0 orbital angular momentum.

The historical Lecture III establishes that the covering isorelativity and relativistic isotopic branch of hadronic mechanics achieve the following:

1*) Exact and invariant representation of "all" characteristics of the neutron in its synthesis from the Hydrogen at both the nonrelativistic and relativistic levels, which representations are achieved via the admission of non-linear, non-local and non-Hamiltonian interactions caused by Rutherford's "compression of the electron inside the dense proton."

2*) Exact and invariant representation of "all" nuclear magnetic moments via Fermi's quite plausible hypothesis that the charge distribution of protons and neutrons are deformed when they are members of a nuclear structure, with consequential deformation of their magnetic moments, the deviations of quantum predictions from experimental data being a direct measurement of such deformations.

3*) Exact and invariant representation of "all" nuclear spins solely permitted by the neutron synthesis for which the deuteron becomes a "three-body" system composed by two isoprotons and one isoelectron in their correct ground state under the laws of hadronic mechanics. Consequently, Prof. Santilli has achieved the historical reduction of all matter in the universe to protons and electrons obeying quantum mechanics when in vacuum and the covering hadronic mechanics when composing nuclei, stars and black holes. Note that the spin 1 of the deuteron can "only" be seriously represented by a "three-body" system.

More rigorously, experimental data in nuclear physics are exactly and invariantly represented via the Lie-Santilli isotheory for the invariant of nuclear forces as being composed by a superposition of linear, local and Hamiltonian forces as well as non-linear, non-local and non-Hamiltonian forces that are inevitable under conditions of mutual penetration of the charge distribution of nuclear constituents.

Exact and invariant representations are then achieved via the use o:f Santilli's SO(3) isosymmetry for the representation of deformed charge distributions as well as orbital motions of extended particles within physical media' and Santilli's SU(2) isosymmetry for the spin of charge distributions under conditions of mutual penetration as established by experimental data on volumes for protons and neutrons in a nuclear structure.


R. M. Santilli and A. Nas

Following the mathematical and theoretical representation of the synthesis of the neutron presented in Lecture III, the above historical paper confirms in a final form a decade of Santilli's experimental work on the laboratory synthesis of neutrons from protons and electrons, see the 2004 website with copies of all scans by the detectors

This final experimental confirmation is an additional major experimental verification of the validity of nonrelativistic and relativistic hadronic mechanics for the interior of hadrons and of the high energy scattering region, since these theories are the "only" ones achieving the "exact and invariant" representation of "all characteristics" of the neutron in its synthesis from a proton and an electron.

A U.S. company is now entering into production and sale under Prof. Santilli's license of a remote controlled equipment of low cost and small dimension for the production of thermal neutrons from a Hydrogen gas at the desired CPS whenever and wherever desired, thus avoiding the use of billion-dollars nuclear reactors.

The above quoted experimental paper is in print at a leading refereed journal that cannot be disclosed at this time to prevent organized interests on Einstein from requesting the editors the suppression of the publication of a formally reviewed and officially accepted paper, which is a vulgar scientific gangsterism suffered by Prof. Santilli and his colleagues many times, as documented and denounced in the website


R. M. Santilli and A. Nas

12 minutes long movie on the experiment accessible from the link

This short movie is a forceful denunciation of the collapse of scientific ethics in America as well as in other countries because all studies on the synthesis of the neutron from the Hydrogen have been systematically discredited, opposed and jeopardized for decades by organized interests on Einstein, including a very vociferous but dishonest opposition in Italy against experiments on the laboratory synthesis of the neutron that was initiated there in the 1960s by the Italian priest-scientist Don Carlo Borghi of the University of Milan and his associates.

In this case, organized scientific corruption is established beyond doubt by the simplicity and low cost of the experimental set up, besides its evident fundamental character. Rather than conducting such a simple and inexpensive experiment prior to the throwing of criticisms, Italian organized interests on Einstein and then their associates through the world collectively exploited for decades the credibility of their institutions to oppose a basic advance in scientific knowledge, thus perpetrating a vile exploitation of society for evil interests via the abuse of an abusively obtained authority.

There comes a point in which vulgar scientific corruption to exploit mankind for personal evil gain must be denounced to avoid servility with loss of dignity: in the event the world wide organized interests on Einstein were indeed honestly convinced that the neutron synthesis from the Hydrogen was impossible, WHY they did not disprove it with a simple and inexpensive experiment rather than using fake academic power?



Prof. Santilli's decades of historical, mathematical, theoretical, and experimental work on the synthesis of the neutron from a Hydrogen gas establishes beyond any possible doubt that Einstein special relativity and quantum mechanics are inapplicable (rather then violated) for nuclear structures and processes, thus unmasking the collapse of ethics in the U. S. nuclear physics community with the waste of billions of dollars of taxpayer money to serve evil interests.

In this connection, Prof. Santilli has released the following statement:

During my disgraceful stay in Cambridge, MA, from the early 1970s to the late 1980s, disgraceful because without the shadow of scientific democracy for advanced inquiries, with a stay at MIT and then at Harvard, I had to suffer the blatantly dishonest opposition by Herman Feshback, then chairman of the MIT Department of Physics, and by his collective of Einstein fanatics in Cambridge, MA, as well as around the world, which collective was strongly against quantitative studies on the deformability of protons and neutrons when members of a nuclear structure and, therefore, against a deeper understanding of the synthesis in the core of stars of the neutron as well as of nuclear syntheses at large, despite the evident societal need for said deeper studies I personally outlined to Feshback.

The organized opposition reached such extremes to disrupt, not only my theoretical studies via the Lie-isotopic representation of deformed charge distributions, but also to prohibit the experimentalist H. Rauch, Director of the Austrian Atomic Institute, accessing to his own laboratory in Grenoble, France, so as to prevent the completion of the ongoing 2-pi interferometric tests showing the deformability of the neutron that was announced by the experimentalists in the 1981 issues of the Hadronic Journal.

The reason Feshback and his collective opposed qualified studies on the deformability of the neutron are evident to any first year graduate student who is not a member of the organized collective. In fact, the admission that the neutron is deformed when part of a nucleus implies the collapse in nuclear physics of both Einsteinian theories and quantum mechanics, since they are known to be incompatible with deformations.

This is a very dark episode in the history of American science that I felt obliged to denounce with real names - in the hope of promoting its resolution - in my 1984 book "Ethical Probe of Einstein Followers in the U.S.A.", and its three volumes of documentation
These volumes received a very positive review by The Harvard Crimson that dubbed the manipulations as "The Politics of Science." Numerous additional positive reviews were also released around the world, except by news media controlled by said collective, such as The Boston Globe, The New York Time, and others that rejected dozens of requests of review from various countries.

With the passing of the decades, I though that I could perhaps forgive and forget this dark episode of the Country I love, but I cannot because, rather than installing a serious democracy y in nuclear physics for due process on all quantitative views, organized interests on Einstein in nuclear physics have now reached truly incredible extremes of misconduct, such as:

= Editors of Physical Review C and other journals in nuclear physics in the U.S., England, Italy and other countries controlled by the collective refuse even to review theoretical and experimental papers in the solution of the nuclear insufficiencies of special relativity and quantum mechanics;

= Editorial misconducts are implemented "especially" when the papers are "experimental" or authored by "full professors" of physics at leading U. S. universities, at times resulting in the "prohibition" to submit any additional paper;

= Due to supine acceptance by society at large of the suppression of scientific democracy, organized misconducts have caused over decades the misuse of trillions of dollars of taxpayer money in nuclear research, besides causing an incalculable damage to the credibility of American science in the world and in history.

Organized interests on Einstein are welcome to publish anything they want because, in any case, their papers will not resist the test of time. However, when they use their capillary world wide organization to suppress the publication of qualified opposing views without any serious evidence, particularly when of experimental character, they perpetrate real crimes against societies according to the Webster d Dictionary.

By recalling the societal need to achieve a deeper understanding of the nuclear structure as an evident premise for the achievement of much needed new clean energies, I believe that the control of nuclear physics by organized interests on Einstein initiated in the 1970s by Herman Feshback and his collective in Cambridge, MA, has been permitted to reach such a level of abuses to constitute, in my view, a real threat to National Interests. Ruggero Maria Santilli.



In the preceding, equally historical lectures

Limitations of Special Relativity and Quantum Mechanics
Ruggero Maria Santilli

Experimental Verifications in Particle Physics
Ruggero Maria Santilli

Prof. Santilli provided vast mathematical, theoretical and, above all, experimental evidence that Einstein special relativity and quantum mechanics are inapplicable within the hyperdense medium in the interior of hadrons and of high energy scattering regions.

The experimental confirmation of the synthesis of the neutron from the Hydrogen in brutal violation of Einsteinian and quantum laws unmasks the existence of a long standing, regrettably ignored, collapse of ethics in particle physics, with the additional; waste of trillions of dollars of taxpayers money from various countries that, at this level, cannot any longer be ignored without losing any sense of dignity or shame.

In this connection, Prof. Santilli has released the following statements:

Following four years of very unhappy stay at MIT, I had the misfortune of passing to Harvard University in September 1977 under DOE financial support. The ring of Einstein fanatics at Harvard, was notoriously headed by S. Weinberg, S. Glashow and (the late) S. Coleman, who had the audacity, without any sense of dignity or share, of opposing a formal decision by the United States of America.

By recalling that all energy releasing processes are irreversible over time,, the support from the Department of "Energy" requested my initiation of quantitative studies on irreversible processes via their Lie-admissible treatment, since the irreversibility requires the breaking of the anti-Hermiticity of the Lie product that can be best done via the Lie-admissible covering of Lie's theory, see the latest account "Lie-admissible invariant representation of irreversibility for matter and antimatter at the classical and operator levels," R. M. Santilli, Nuovo Cimento B 121, 443 (2006),

I was aware since the early 1980s of the damage caused so society by this fanatic collective at Harvard. Therefore, in the hope of promoting corrective measures, I felt obliged to denounce Weinberg, Glashow and Coleman with their real names in my 1984 "Ethical probe of Einstein Followers in the U.S.A." In reality, the entire world wide collective of Einstein fanatics supported and defended the misconducts of their members at Harvard under the supine acceptance of the American scientific community, a condition that appears to stand to this day, thus requesting additional denunciations until finally, one day, scientific democracy will eventually exist in America.

Following the appearance of my 1984 "Ethical Probe of Einstein Followers in the U.S.A.," in typical Harvard style I know well, Weinberg was quietly asked to leave, but his collective quickly located for him a chair in physics at the University of Texas in Austin, from which position he continued and actually increased his scientific gangsterisms, as denounced, for instance, in the post "Denunciation of Steven Weinberg's Scientific Gangsterism,"
thus implicating the University of Texas at Austin for complicity in scientific gangsterisms due to guaranteed impunity there for four decades,

. By contrast, the same collective of Einstein fanatics prohibited my locating any academic position anywhere in the U.S.A. even though I was still the recipient of three sizable DOE grants that remained available following my leaving Harvard.

Evidently, the organized collective of Einstein fanatics thought to have terminated, in this way, my research beyond Einstein and quantum mechanics. In reality by cutting me out of academia, said collective gave me the biggest gift of my life: total freedom of research and expression with ensuing financial fortunes. In fact, had I been a member of an academic community, I could not have possibly completed my studies and written this additional denunciation.

Following these events in the mid 1980s, rather then subsiding, the misconducts by the collective of Einstein fanatics grew in time to truly incredible acts of scientific gangsterism under guaranteed impunity, such as: eyewithnessed physical threats to me; threats to my collaborators to prevent them continuing research with me; prohibition for me and my collaborators to attend our cost meetings under public financial support, including the prohibition in 1992 of my participation to a meeting on hadronic mechanics I had originated; threats to editors publishing my papers and their replacement whenever they rejected collaboration for editorial scams; etc. as I document for posterity in the "2008 upgrade of my 1984 "Ethical Probe"

Americans who really deserve to be called as such should document themselves on the consequences of their supine acceptance of blatantly organized scientific misconducts. In 1991, John Ellis, then Head of the Theoretical Physics Division at CERN, invited me to present at CERN the litany of mathematical, theoretical and., above all, experimental evidence preventing Einstein special relativity and quantum mechanics to be valid within the hyperdense medium inside hadrons and inside high energy scattering regions.

I did go to CERN in 1992, but the "CERN employee" Gabrielle Veneziano, a notorious member of the collective of Einstein fanatics with decades of documented association to the misconducts by Weinberg, Glashow, et al, not only opposed my presentation at CERN but used members of his organization to oppose my presentation at other institutions in Europe interested in inspecting the evidence, see the denunciation by P. Fleming

In summary, incontrovertible evidence establishes that the organized conspiracy by a collective of Einstein fanatics initiated at Harvard University by S. Weinberg, S. Glashow and S. Coleman, then embraced by the University of Texas at Austin, additionally embraced and by CERN under the heading of its "employee" G. Veneziano, and then embraced by all members of the collective in the world, are responsible for: A) Inflicting a historical damage to the image of American science in the world and in history; B) Initiating a scientific obscurantism that may last for centuries; and C) Misusing trillions of dollars of taxpayers money from various countries in the search of the phantomatic Higgs boson that cannot possibly exist within the hyperdense scattering region, as established by the irreversibility of high energy scatterings as well as by vast experimental evidence establishing the inapplicability of Einsteinian and quantum laws within hyperdense hadronic media. Ruggero Maria Santilli.

The collective of Einstein fanatics at Harvard during my stay there from 1the late 1970s to the early 1980s opposed any and all research whatsoever that could remotely invalidate Einsteinian and quantum laws, no matter how far are the conditions from those of the original conception and verification of said theories, and how important the research is for the search of much needed new clean energies.

Besides the scientific gangsterism in imposing Einstein and quantum laws for the hyperdense interior of high energy scattering regions, when I was at Harvard I was the eyewitness of the birth of another very dark episode of the history of science, the organized imposition of the hypothetical, undetectable and unconfinable quarks as the physical constituents of hadrons for the studious intent of maintaining Einstein theories inside hadrons.

History of science teaches the need for two different yet compatible models, one for classification and another for structure, as it has been the case for nuclei, atoms and molecules. The organized collective of Einstein fanatics violated this historical teaching and imposed one single model, the quark model, for both the classification and the structure of hadrons.

We are all in agreement that first the SU(3) model, the the SU(3)-color and more recently the standard model provide a good Mendeleev-type classification of particles. I had irreconcilable disagreements with my colleagues at Harvard on the assumption of quarks as the physical constituents hadrons because of excessive insufficiencies, such as:

A) Quarks cannot be defined in our spacetime because they violate the Poincare' symmetry. In fact, quarks are purely mathematical representations of a purely mathematical internal symmetry defined on a purely mathematical complex-valued unitary space. Yet, a relentless and vociferous propaganda by organized interests on Einstein has managed to have quarks believed by the "physics populus" to be physical particles.

B) Quarks cannot be seriously confined in view of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Under serious inspection, all quark models admit a finite probability of tunnel effects for free quarks which is dramatically disproved by experimental evidence. In particular, the political belief in quarks as physical particles is dramatically disproved by the very high energy experiments at CERN that, according to scientists with a minimum of decency, should have produced free quarks. They did not.

C) Quarks cannot possibly have the "point-like structure" needed to maintain Einstein theories and quantum mechanics because, as I stated numerous times, "there exist no point-like wavepacket in nature." All hadrons have approximately the size of 1 Fermi which is also the approximate size of all wavepackets. Assuming that quarks exist as physical particles, they must be in conditions of total mutual penetration of their structure, resulting in non-linear, non-local and non-Hamiltonian interactions under which any belief in the validity of Einstein theories and quantum mechanics is scientific blasphemy.

While at Harvard under DOE support, I wrote the following paper listing some of the insufficiencies of quark conjectures "An intriguing legacy of Einstein, Fermi, Jordan and others: The possible invalidation of quark conjectures," R. M. Santilli, , Found. Phys. Vol. 11, 384-472 (1981)
which insufficiencies were also shared by numerous other scientists,immediately blacklisted and silenced by the organized collective of Einstein fanatics.

I had no objections against papers assuming quarks as physical particles. In fact, as editor of various scientific journals, I routinely accepted this type of paper, as I continue to do today. My strong objection was and remains the suppression of papers assuming actually detectable physical particles as the hadronic constituents, because the latter models permit the study of basically new and clean energies while the former models do not.

As an illustration, the neutron is the biggest reservoir of clean energy available to mankind, because it is naturally unstable and decays into a proton and a highly energetic electron, thus offering the possibility of two new energies, one of electric and the other of thermal character.

In the event the hypothetical quarks are the physical constituents of the neutron, said inextinguishable energy cannot be tapped. However, in the event the proton and the electron are the actual physical constituents of the neutron, a number of possibilities exist to trigger its decay.

My irreconcilable disagree with Weinberg, Glashow and Coleman at Harvard was their dream of convincing me that, at the time of the neutron synthesis, the permanently stable proton and electron "disappear" (sic!!) from the universe to be replaced by the hypothetical, undetectable and unconfinable quarks (sic!!). And then, at the time of the decay of the neutron, the hypothetical quarks "disappear" (sic!!) and the permanently stable proton and electron "reappear" (sic!!) because they said so! to me?

Since the neutron is synthesized from a proton and an electron and since these original particles are emitted at the time of the decay, the most plausible hypothesis is that the proton and the electron are the physical constituents of the neutron, although not according to the mechanics established for large particle distances, quantum mechanics, but according to a suitable covering mechanics - hadronic mechanics - specifically built for the conditions of total mutual penetration. In a nutshell, this was then scientific and political environment surrounding my proposal at Harvard in 1978 to build the covering hadronic mechanics.

By keeping in mind the damage caused by quark schemes for the search of much needed new clean energies, and in view of the excessive subservience by the vast majority of American scientists, educators, politicians and news media over half a century, by praying to be wrong, I fear that America has been doomed by excessively unaddressed, excessive exploitations in science, politics and finance. Ruggero Maria Santilli.


The terms "organized interests on Einstein, "Einstein fanatics," and the like used in this or preceding announcements do include Jewish physicists generally in their leading role, but also include physicists of other ethnic origin. For instance, documentations available at our Institute establishes that Arab physicists are at time more fanatics on Einstein than Jewish physicists, and the most fanatic physicists on Einstein appear to be the Spanish speaking physicists.


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