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Palm Harbor, Florida, November 25, 2000. Last update October 5, 2005

Prof. Ruggero Maria Santilli

prepared by the staff of
The Institute for Basic Research
P. O. Box 1577, Palm Harbor, FL 34682, U. S. A.
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A 1995 photo of Prof. Santilli at his house in Florida


1. Santilli received the degree of Dottore in Fisica’ (Physics Doctor) from the University of Naples, Italy. He subsequently attended the Graduate Shool in Physics of the University of Turin, Italy, where he obtained in 1966 the highest graduate degree in physics available at that time, corresponding to the U. S. ’Philosophical Doctor in Physics.’ Jointly, Santilli held the chair of ’Professor of Nuclear Physics’ at the famous A. Avogadro Institute in Turin, Italy.

2. Because of his post Ph.D. research conducted in Italy, Santilli was invited in 1967 by the University of Miami in Florida to conduct research under NASA financial support. In 1968, Santilli joined the faculty of Boston University as Associate Professor of Physics, where he taught physics and mathematics from prep-courses to post Ph.D. Seminal courses, and conducted research for the U. S. Air Force, research which led to his assuming the U. S. Citizenship.

3. In 1976 and 1977 Santilli was a visiting scholar at the Institute for Theoretical Physics of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

4. in 1978 Santilli joined Harvard University where he was co-principal investigator of research grants from the U. S. Department of Energy numbers ER-78-S-02-47420.A000 and AS02-78ER04742.

5. In 1983 Santilli assumed the position of President and Professor of Theoretical Physics of the newly formed Institute for Basic Research, then located at the Prescott House on Harvard Grounds, as well as Principal Investigator of DOE contracts DE-ACO2-80ER10651, DE-ACO2-80ER-10651.A001, and DE-ACO2-80ER10651.A002. The Institute for Basic Research was subsequently moved to Palm Harbor, Florida, in 1990.

A view of Prof. Santilli in 2005, age 70.

6. In 1998 Santilli assumed the additional post of Director of Research of corporations in the U.S.A., Europe and Asia developing new clean fuels with Santilli's novel magnecular structure.

7. Recently Santilli retired while remaining affiliated with a number of academic and corporate research insrtitutions around the world, including U.S.A., Ukraine, Russia, China, Italy, and Australia.

8. Santilli is the Founder and Editor in Chief of three journals, Hadronic Journal (which was initiated at Harvard University and continued for 27 years of uninterrupted publications), Hadronic Journal Supplement (with 19 years of uninterrupted publications) and Algebras, Groups and Geometries (with 20 years of uninterrupted publications).

9. Santilli is also Editor of the International Journal of PhysIcs, the Journal of the Balkan Geometry Society, the Journal of Alternative Energy and Ecology, the Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories, and other Journals in mathematics and physics.He is also a reviewer or advisor to numerous other journals. 

Prof. Santilli during a 20 minutes meeting with President Mikhail Gorbachev (and an interpreter on the right) following the collapse of the U.S.S.R. in August 1993. The late Prof. C. N. Bogoliubov, when Director of the JINR in Dubna, Russia, had been one of the founders of the Hadronic Journal jointly with Nobel Laureate C. N. Yang, Nobel Laureate I. Prigogine and other distinguished scholars, when the journal was organized in 1978 by Prof. Santilli then at Harvard University.


see below for complete listing<>br>


1. Santilli is:

# The author of 19 post Ph.D. level research monographs (that is, monograph with original content) published by Springer-Verlag (Germany), Naukowa Dumka (Ukraine), Kluwer (The Netherlands), Springer (Holland), Hadronic Press (U.S.A.) and other highly qualified Publishing Houses,

# The author of 250 technical articles in pure mathematics, applied mathematics, theoretical and experimental physics, superconductivity, chemistry, biology, astrophysics and cosmology published in refereed journals around the world, and

# The editor or co-editor of about 100 volumes of confgerence p[roceedings also published by distinguished academic houses.


# PHYS. REVIEW (relativistic extension of the Galilean symmetry with P. Roman; extension of the PCT theorem to all discrete symmetries with C, N. Ktorides, inapplicability of Pauli’s exclusion principle under open-nonconservative strong interactions with H. C. Myung; isotopic breaking of gauge symmetries; and several other papers);

# NUOVO CIMENTO, NUOVO CIMENTO LETTERS and RIVISTA NUOVO CIMENTO (first presentation in physics - with application to dissipative systems - of Albert Lie-admissible algebras; first (p.q)-deformation of Lie algebras - 1967; first prediction that strong interactions can causally accelerate massive particles at speed greater than c; first generalizations of the Minkowski space, Lorentz-Poincare’ symmetry and special relativity for arbitrary speeds of light within physical media and interactions; and several other papers published up to 1983, year of take over of the Italian Physical Society by Mr. Ricci and his group and consequential suppression of all - about 100 - submission by Santilli and his associates, all papers published elsewhere);

# RENDICONTI CIRCOLO MAT. PALERMO (systematic generalizations - from numbers to spaces, functional analysis, differential calculus, topologies, etc. - of contemporary mathematics of isotopic, genotopic and hyperstructural type based on generalized units and products - used for the treatment of matter in progressive conditions of complexity - and the anti-isomorphic images of said generalized mathematics called isodual - for the treatment of antimatter; first structural generalization of Newton’s equations on record since Newton’s time -for which Santilli invented his generalized calculi and topologies - for the representation of extended-deformable particles under unrestricted nonlocal and nonpotential interactions; first structural generalization of Hamiltonian mechanics and related inverse problem which is directly universal for all possible discrete systems of extended-deformable particles; structural liftings of the Euclidean, symplectic and Riemannian geometries for arbitrary causal local speeds, etc.).

# INTERN. J. PHYSICS and MODERN PHYS. LETTERS (first and only known “classical” theory of antimatter on scientific record - beginning from Newton’s equation - whose operator image is compatible with charge conjugation; first axiomatically consistent prediction of antigravity for antimatter in the field of matter; first structural unification of the Minkowskian and Riemannian geometries permitted by the generalized calculi, with consequential geometric unification of special and general relativities; comprehensive study of the catastrophic inconsistencies of noncanonical-nonunitary theories when treated with conventional mathematics);

# FOUND. PHYS. and FOUND. PHYS. LETTERS (first proposal on record - 1981 - that quarks cannot be elementary; achievement of maturity in 1976 with a comprehensive memoir on hadronic mechanics following its proposal in 1978; experimental review with Yu Arestov of deviations from the Minkowskian geometry and special relativity in the interior of hadrons; “invited” paper on the first invariant formulation of (p, q)-deformations and consequential resolution of the catastrophic inconsistencies of their current formulation; first and only known axiomatically consistent grand unifications “with a basic unifying symmetry and geometry” embedding gravity in the unity of electroweak interactions; and other papers);

# COMMUN. THEOR. PHYS. (a variety of papers including: first achievement of a rigorous confinement of quarks via the incoherence of internal and external Hilbert spaces solely permitted by hadronic mechanics; first proposal of the isodual theory of antimatter holding at all level of study -rather than only in second quantization as per theories prior to Santilli’s works; first proof that Heisenberg’s uncertainties remain valid for nonpotential interactions in closed conditions; and several other papers);

# MIT-ANNALS OF PHYSICS (comprehensive study with seven papers in the 1970s on the integrability conditions for the existence of a Lagrangian or a Hamiltonian in discrete and field mechanics; and other papers).

# JINR - RAPID COMMUN. (first isotopic lifting of the SU(2)-isospin with first recovering of the exact isospin symmetry in nuclear physics; and other results);

# ACTA APPL. MATH. (first nonunitary isotopies of the SU(2)-spin, first structural generalization of Pauli’s matrices with hidden parameters; first proof that the nonunitary-isotopic image of Bell’s inequality does indeed admit a classical counterpart contrary to popular beliefs; and other papers);

# IoP-JOURNAL OF PHYSICS (first proof that the experimental data on the anomalous behavior of the meanlife of unstable particles with speed can be exactly represented by the isominkowskian geometry, published with other co-authors; and other results);

# HYPERFINE INTERACTIONS (“invited paper” on the first proof that photons emitted by antimatter are different than those emitted by matter, which differences can be experimentally measured; first future possibility of ascertaining whether a far away galaxy is made up of matter or of antimatter’ and other basic advances in antimatter);

# INTERN. J. QUANTUM CHEMISTRY (first hadronic generalization of superconductivity and its first structural representation of the bonding-attraction of the two identical electrons in the Cooper pair, published with A. O. E. Animalu);

# INTERN. J. HYDROGEN ENERGY (first nonunitary-hadronic generalization of quantum chemistry; first known model of molecular bonds with “attraction” between identical valence electrons; first achievement on record of a representation of molecular data exact to the seventh digit; and other major advances in chemistry, ;published with D. D. Shillady; the first and only new species of hydrogen with increased specific weight and energy contents due to Santilli's magnecular structure; the first and only new gaseous and combustible form of water, and other topics).);

# J. NEW ENERGY (first exact-numerical representation on scientific records of all nuclear magnetic moments; a new structure model of nuclei explaining why the deuteron has spin 1; comprehensive review of the experimental verifications of hadronic mechanics in particle physics, nuclear physics, molecular physics, superconductivity, biology, astrophysics, and cosmology);

# ANNALES DE LA FONDATION L. DE BROGLIE (the first and only grand unification of electroweak and gravitational interactions including a consistent gravitational treatment of antimatter; inconsistencies of Weinberg's nonlinear theory; and other topics).

and others with: first axiomatically consistent reduction of macroscopic irreversibility to the ultimate level of nature, particle in interior conditions; first resolution via hadronic mechanics of the historical objection against Rutherford’s conception of the neutron as a bound state of a proton and an electron; first proposal o to utilize the the immense clean energy in the structure of the neutron via its stimulated decay; first causal spacetime machine - for isoselfdual states only; numerous proposal of new clean energies at the nuclear level; first cosmology with a universal symmetry which, for equal distribution of matter and antimatter, implies total null characteristics of the universe, with consequential lack of discontinuity at creation, thus permitting the first scientific study of creation itself; proposal and construction of the hadronic reactors capable of tapping energy within liquid molecules; theoretical prediction and vast experimental verification of the only known new -nonvalence - chemical species - called “magnecules”- on scientific record since the discovery of the valence in the 1800s, and its crucial implications for new clean fuels; and numerous other discoveries.

Prof. Santilli as a guest of Prof. A. A. Logunov, when Director of the High Energy Physics Laboratories in Protvino, Russia, in July 1994, to discuss the possible direct experimental verification in Protvino of the expected deviations from special relativity, a theory conceived for the representation of point particles in vacuum, when used in the interior of the hyperdense hadrons, a test first proposed by Prof. Santilli and still not considered in Western Laboratories for reasons of academic politics, despite known implications for much needed new clean energies and fuels.

# MONOGRAPH, including:

# SPRINGER-VERLAG-HEIDELBERG (two seminal monographs “Foundations of Theoretical mechanics:”, Vols. I and II, in the most prestigious series of Texts and Monographs in Physics on the integrability conditions for the existence of a Lagrangian or a Hamiltonian, the Birkhoffian generalization of Hamiltonian mechanics; and a comprehensive presentation of the isotopies and genotopies of Lie’s theory now called Lie-Santilli iso-, geno- and hyper theories);

# UKRAINE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES- KIEV (two volumes of “Elements of Hadronic Mechanics” with the third volume currently in preparation containing a comprehensive study of the new covering mechanics, its various applications and numerous experimental verifications in various fields; “Isotopic, Genotopic and Hyperstructural Methods in Theoretical Physics”, which, according to reviewers, is the most innovative monograph in biology to date, the only one representing the irreversibility of biological systems - since all current quantum studies are strictly reversible, thus incompatible with biological reality;

# KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHER, Boston-Dordrecht-London (Santilli is the author of the post Ph. D. level monograph ’Foundations of Hadronic Chemistry with Applications to New Clean Energies and Fuels’, ISBN number 1-4020-0087-1, in press, which contains a systematic presentation, beginning with the discovery of new mathematics, of a structural generalization of quantum chemistry, the first capable of exact representations of experimental data on molecules, such as binding energies, electric and magnetic moments. The monograph also shows that the abandonment of theories now belonging to the past millennium in favor of new, broader scientific horizons is necessary for the development of really ’new’ and ’clean’ energies, as well as of really ’new’ fuels capable of resolving the catastrophic environmental problems caused by fossil fuels).

# KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS, THE NETHERLANDS (the first monograph on a nonunitary yet invariant covering of quantum chemistry develped by Prof. Santilli and his collaborators under the name of Hadronic Chemistry, with applications to new clean fuels and energies, including a comprehensive presentation of a new chem ica;l species, the first discovered following the identification of molecules in the middle of the 19-th century, and today known as Santilli magnecules which new chemical species has permitted the industrial development of the first known fuels with complkete combustion, thus without toxic emissions, kn own today as Santilli MagneGases.)

# HADRONIC PRESS-FLORIDA (two volumes of “Lie-admissible Approach to the Hadronic Structure” with the third in preparation, the first comprehensive proposal of a new structure model of hadrons with physical massive constituents in generalized interior condition which constituents can be produced free in the spontaneous decays, while achieving compatibility with composite quarks; two volumes of “Isotopic Generalization of Galilei’s and Einstein’s Relativities”, the first and only generalizations of existing relativity for nonpotential-nonconservative forces with a basic symmetries - since all deformations have no symmetry whatever; “Foundations of Hadronic Chemistry and its Application to New Clean Energies and Fuels”, in press, called by reviewers a “true scientific revolutions in chemistry”, the first achieving exact representation of experimental molecular data and predicting new energies and fuels).

# SPRINGER, HOLLAND (the first monograph on the novel isodual theory of antimatter with novel applications to antigravity, grand unifications and cosmology. The monograph also presents the first known CLASSICAL theory of antimatter with a consistent operator image.).

From the right, Prof. Santilli, daugther Luisa, wife Carla and son Ermanno, in July 1998.


Santilli has organized over TWENTY INTERNATIONAL MEETINGS, of which five at Harvard University, and the others in the U. S. A., Italy, France, Yugoslavia, Greece, Russia, the last meeting having occurred at the Academia Sinica in Beijing in 1997. 



1. Santilli is the sole scientist in history who was capable of discovering a series of structural generalizations of pre-existing mathematics based on generalized units and products, and then apply them to a series of structural generalizations of physics, superconductivity, chemistry, biology, astrophysics and cosmology. By comparison, numerous other scientists discovered new “individual” mathematical structures (such as Hamilton and his quaternion, Jordan and his algebras, Lie and his theory), but not a comprehensive structural generalization of the entire mathematical and physical knowledge as achieved by Santilli. Numerous theories now carry his name, such as: Santilli’s isounits and isoproducts; Santilli’s iso-, geno-, and hyper-numbers and their isoduals; Hamilton-Santilli iso-, geno- and hyper mechanics; Lie-Santilli iso-, geno-, and hyper theories; Lorentz-Poincare’-Santilli iso-, geno-, and hyper-symmetry; Minkowski-Santilli iso-, geno- and hyper-geometries; Santilli’s iso-, geno-, and hyper-symplectic geometries; Heisenberg-Santilli iso-, geno- and hyper equations; Pauli-Santilli iso-, geno- and hyper matrices; Schroedinger-Santilli iso-, geno- and hyper-momentum; Santilli’s hadronic energy; Santilli’s magnecules; Santilli’s magnegas; etc. An inspection of the data-base on quotations indicate that Santilli is one of the most quoted author at this moment. Besides thousands of papers quoting Santilli, five monographs have been published by various authors with Santilli name in the title.The inclusion of vast plagiarisms of Santilli work in various scientific journals generally done in full knowledge of their editors (such as the river of papers on q-deformations without quotations of their origination by Santilli in 1967 and virtually all generalizations of Lie-quantum structures which are a particular case of Santilli’s Lie-admissible structures due to their proved direct universality), there is no “individual” scientist today whose influence on contemporary science can even partially compare with that by Santilli.

2. Because of the above achievements SANTILLI has BEEN NOMINATED BY THE ESTONIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AMONG THE MOST ILLUSTRIOUS APPLIED MATHEMATICIANS OF ALL TIMES, jointly with Gauss, Weyerstrass, Hamilton, Jordan, Lie, etc.). In particular, Santilli is the ONLY scholar of Italian origin appearing in the entire list.

3. A Lecture Hall in a Research Institute in Australia has been called “Santilli’s Lecture Hall”;

4. Santilli has received a GOLD MEDAL from the University of Orleans for his achievements in Science and various similar honors from several scientific academies;

5. Santilli has been nominated for the NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS by numerous scholars around the world since 1985 for his construction of Hadronic mechanics and other motivations, and he has been recently nominated for the NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY for his construction of Hadronic chemistry and his discovery of the new chemical species of magnecules.


A view of Prof. Santilli at the Sebring Race Track, Florida, during a track event organized by the Ferrari Club of America on April 14, 2000, racing a Ferrari 250 1959, which model won several 12 Hours Races at that track in the 1950's and 1960's.

A view of the Gold Medal for Scientific Merits received by Prof. Santilli from the University of Orleans, France, on January 6, 1982.

A view of the nomination dated June 9, 1990 by the Estonia Academy of Sciences of Prof. Santilli among the most illustrious applied mathematicians of all times, jointly with historical names such as Gauss, Cauchy, Hamilton, Lie, Jordan, von Neumann, and others. Note the absence in the list of Albert Einstein because he discovered no new mathematics. Note also that Prof. Santilli is the only scientist of Italian origin appearing in the list. Note finally that the nomination was for his initiation in 1967 of LIE-ADMISSIBLE ALGEBRAS in physics of which q-deformations are a particular case.


Prof. Ruggero Maria Santilli

October 2005
Institute for Basic Research
P.O. Box 1577 Palm Harbor, Fl 34682
Tel. +1-813-934 9593, Fax +1-813-934 9275
Web site

Personal Data

Born on September 8, l935 in Capracotta (Isernia), Italy
Dual citizenship, Italian and U.S. Citizenship (U. S. since June 1985)
Religion: Roman Catholic
Wife: Carla Santilli, MSW, Boston University
Daughter: Luisa, B.S. School of Management, Boston University
Son: Ermanno, B.S. School of Management, Boston College
Santilli is in excellent health, with no record of major disease


High School Diploma from the town of Agnone (Isernia), Italy

Laurea in Physics with research thesis (in between the B.S. and M.S. degrees) from the Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Naples, Italy, l959

Specializzazione in Fisica Teorica with advanced research thesis (Italian equivalent of the Ph.D. at that time) from the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University of Turin, Italy, l966

Academic and Industrial Affiliations

Assistant Professor at the San Secondo Institute (prep. school), Turin, Italy

Teaching Fellow at the Department of Physics, University of Turin, Italy, and

Assistant Professor and Director, Department of the Nuclear Physics Institute, A. Avogadro, Turin, Italy

Visiting Scientist (summers) at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy

Visiting Scientist, Center for Theoretical Physics, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, USA, under contract with NASA and USAFOSR

Senior Research Associate at the Department of Physics, Boston University, Boston MA, under contract with USAFOSR

Assistant Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, Boston University, Boston, MA

l975-l976 Associate Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, Boston University, Boston, MA

l976-l977 Visiting Scientist, Center for Theoretical Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA

Honorary Research Fellow, Lyman Laboratory of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Senior Applied Mathematician at the Department of Mathematics, Harvard University as Principal Co-Investigator of DOE contracts

Professor of Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics, President, The Institute for Basic Research, Cambridge, MA

Visiting Professor, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia

President, Istituto per la Ricerca di Base, Castello Principe Pignatelli, Monteroduni (Province of Isernia), Molise, Italy

Honorary Professor of Physics, Ukraine Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine

Director of Research at U. S. Corporations in Florida


Santilli taught the following courses:

Several courses of Prep. Physics, Mathematics and Electrodynamics at the San Secondo Institute, Turin, Italy

Assistant to Wataghin's Chair in Physics, University of Turin, Italy, and
Taught Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Avogadro Institute, Turin, Italy

Taught at the Department of Physics at Boston University Boston, MA:

# Undergraduate Courses:

Physics without Calculus
Physics with Calculus
Undergraduate Mechanics

# Graduate Courses:
Advanced Classical Mechanics
Advanced Quantum Mechanics
Advanced Quantum Field Theory
Mathematical Methods in Theoretical Physics
High Energy Hadron Physics

# Seminar /post Ph.D. Courses:

Lie's Theory
Differential Geometry
Calculus of Variations
Theory of Systems with Constraints

Taught the following seminar course at Lyman Laboratory of Physics, Harvard University:

The Inverse Problem of Newtonian Mechanics and Field Theory (conditions of variational selfadjointness and Birkhoffian mechanics)

Taught brief seminar courses on various topics in the USA and Europe, and
Supervisor of Ph. D. Theses in various institutions

Taught a brief seminar course on

# The Isotopies of Contemporary Algebras, Geometries and Mechanics, at Mathematical Institute G. Castelnuovo, University of Rome, Italy
# Depts of Physics and Mathematics, Univ. of Bari, Italy
# Mathematics Department, Howard University, Washington, D.C.
# Depts of Physics and Mathematics, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
# Mathematics Department, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece
# Theoretical Physics Division, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
# JINR, Dubna, Russia
# Universities of Jasi and Constanta, Rumania

Taught advanced post-doctoral courses on New Mathematical Methods for Novel Treatments of Strong Interactions, Antimatter and Theoretical Biology at various institutions


Santilli is the author of the following monographs:

[1] Introduction to Nuclear Physics, with G. Soliani, A. Avogadro Institute, Turin, Italy, in Italian, printed by the Avogadro Institute (1952)

[2] Group Theory and Symmetries of Elementary Particles, with G. Soliani, printed by the Inst. of Theor. Phys., Univ. of Turin., Italy, in Italian, notes from lectures and seminars for the Ph.D. degree (1965)

[3] Foundations of Theoretical Mechanics, Lyman Laboratory of Physics., Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, Volume I: The Inverse Problem in Newtonian Mechanics, in the series Text and Monographs in Physics, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (1978)

[4] Lie-admissible Approach to the Hadronic Structure, Lyman Laboratory of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, Volume I: Nonapplicability of the Galilei and Einstein Relativities? In the series Monographs in Theoretical Physics, Hadronic Press, Palm Harbor, Florida (1978)

[5] Lie-admissible Approach to the Hadronic Structure, Institute for Basic Research, Cambridge, MA, Volume II: Coverings of the Galilei and Einstein Relativities? In the series Monographs in Theoretical Physics, Hadronic Press, Palm Harbor, Florida (1981)

[6] Foundations of Theoretical Mechanics, Institute for Basic Research, Cambridge, MA, Volume II: Birkhoffian Generalization of Hamiltonian Mechanics, In the series Text and Monographs in Physics, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (1982)

[7] Il Grande Grido: Ethical Probe of Einstein's Followers in the U. S. A. : An Insider's View Institute for Basic Research, Cambridge, MA, Alpha Publishing, Newtonville, MA (1984)

[8] Documentation of Il Grande Grido, Volumes I, II and III: Institute for Basic Research, Cambridge, MA, Alpha Publishing, Newtonville, MA (1985)

[9] Isotopic Generalizations of Galilei and Einstein Relativities, Institute for Basic Research, Palm Harbor, FL, Volume I: Mathematical Foundations, Hadronic Press, Palm Harbor, Florida (1991)

[10] Isotopic Generalizations of Galilei and Einstein Relativities, Institute for Basic Research, Palm Harbor, FL, Volume II: Classical Formulations, Hadronic Press, Palm Harbor, Florida (1991)

[11] Elements of Hadronic Mechanics, The Institute for Basic Research, Palm Harbor, FL Volume I: Mathematical Foundations Naukova Dumka, Ukraine Academy of Sciences, Kiev (second edition 1995)

[12] Elements of Hadronic Mechanics, The Institute for Basic Research, Palm Harbor, FL 1994 Volume II: Theoretical Foundations Naukova Dumka, Ukraine Academy of Sciences, Kiev (second edition 1995)

[13] Foundations of Theoretical Conchology, with C.R. Illert Hadronic Press, Palm Harbor, Florida (1995)

[14] Isotopic, Genotopic and Hyperstructural Methods in Theoretical Biology, Ukraine Academy of Sciences, Kiev (1996)

[15] The Physics of New Clean Energies and Fuels According to Hadronic Mechanics, Special issue of the Journal of New Energy, 318 pages (1999)

[16] Foundations of Hadronic Chemistry with Applications to New Clean Energies and Fuels, Institute for Basic Research, Palm Harbor, Florida Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston-Dordrecht-London, 397 pages (2001)
Russian Translation avaiklable in pdf-zip format at

[17] Iaodual Theory of Antimatter and its application to Antigravity, Grand Unifications and Cosmology, Instgitute for Basic Research, Palm Harbor, Florida,m Springer, The Netherlands, in press

[18] Classical and Operator Isodual Theory of Antimatter, with Application to Antigravity, in preparation

[19] Elements of Hadronic Mechanics, Volume III:
Recent Advances, Experimental Verifications and Industrial Applications
The Institute for Basic Research, Palm Harbor, FL Applications and Experimental Verifications Naukova Dumka, Ukraine Academy of Sciences, Kiev
Available in pdf-zippet format at


[20] Albert Einstein, Paper and lecture in Italian at the Liceo Scientifico (High School) in Agnone (Isernia), Italy (1952)

[21] On a possible elimination of the mass in atomic physics, in Italian, Phoenix 1, 222-227 (1955)

[22] Why space is rigid, in Italian, Pungolo Verde, Campobasso, Italy (1956)

[23] Foundations for a theory on the structure of the electron as a vibration of the aether, Univ. of Naples preprint, unpublished (1959)

[24] On the bonding of molecular chains with curvilinear potentials Research thesis for the Laurea in Physics, Univ. of Naples (1956)

[25] Connection between the complex Lorentz group with a real metric and the U(3.1) group Nuovo Cimento 44, 1284-1289 (l966)

[26] On the covariant SU(2.1) and SU(3.1) extensions of the SU(2) and SU(3) symmetries, in Italian, Ph.D. research thesis, Univ. of Turin, Italy (1966)

[27] Noncompact SU(3.1) extensions of the SU(3) symmetries, Nuovo Cimento 51, 89-107 (l967)

[28] A realization of the U(q.1) algebras in terms of quantum mechanical operators, Nuovo Cimento 51, 7488 (l967)

[29] Imbedding of Lie algebras in nonassociative structures, Nuovo Cimento 51, 570-576 (l967) Seminar given at the ICTP, Trieste, Italy.
Paper nominated by the Estonian Academy of Sciences (l989) as signaling the birth of Lie-admissible algebras in physics

[30] Causality groups of the S-matrix, Nuovo Cimento 55B, 578-586 (l968) Seminar delivered at the University of S. Carolina, Columbia

[31] Phase space symmetries of a relativistic plasma, Nuovo Cimento Vol. 56B, 323-326 (l968)

[32] Causality and relativistic plasma, contributed paper to a Coral Gable Conference, printed in Relativistic Plasma, O. Buneman and W. B. Pardo, Editors, Benjamin, New York pp. 33-40 (l968)

[33] Is the â¤|o a bound state of electrons at small distances? Preprint of the CTS, Univ. of Miami, Coral Gables, FL CTS-HE-68-7 (l968), unpublished (1968)

[34] Some remarks on causality, Contributed paper to Coral Gables Conference on Relativistic Plasma (l968)

[35] Flexible mutation algebras, Contributed paper to the Indiana Symposium on Analytic Methods in Mathematical Physics (l968)

[36] An Introduction to Lie-admissible Algebras, Center for Theoretical Studies, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL Supplemento al Nuovo Cimento 6, 1225-1249 (l968)

[37] Dissipativity and Lie-admissible algebras Meccanica Vol. 1, 3-11 (l969)

[38] A Lie-admissible model for dissipative plasma, with P. Roman Lettere Nuovo Cimento Vol. 2, 449-455 (l969)

[39] Causality restrictions on relativistic extensions of particle symmetries, with P. Roman Int. J. Theor. Phys. Vol. 2, 201-211 (l969)

[40] Causality restrictions and O'Rafeartaigh theorem, with P. Roman Contributed paper to APS meeting, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. Vol. 14, 502 (1969)

[41] Haag theorem and Lie-admissible algebras, Contributed paper to the l969 Conference at Indiana Univ., Bloomington, published in Analytic Methods in Mathematical Physics R.P. Gilbert and R.G.Newton, Editors, Gordon & Breach, New York, 511-529 (l970)

[42] Derivation of the Poincare´ covariance from causality requirements in field theory, with P. Roman Int. J. Theor. Phys. Vol. 3, 233-241 (l970)

[43] Relativistic quantum mechanical Galilei group, with J.J. .Aghassi and P. Roman, Contributed paper to APS meeting Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. Vol. 15, 49 (l970) )

[44] IU(3.1)-invariant N-point functions, with P. Roman Contributed paper to APS meeting Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. Vol. 15, 92 (l970)

[45] New dynamical group for the relativistic quantum mechanics of elementary particles, with J.J. Aghassi and P. Roman Phys. Rev. D Vol. 1, 2753-2765 (l970)

[46] Relation of the inhomogeneous de Sitter group to the quantum mechanics of elementary particles, with J.J. Aghassi and P. Roman J. Math. Phys. Vol. 11, 2297-2301 (l970)

[47] A new relativistic dynamical group for elementary particles, Particles and Nuclei Vol. 1, 81-99 (l970)
[48] Dynamical extensions of the Poincare´ group: A critical analysis, Contributed paper to the Fourth Topical Conference on Resonant Particles, Univ. of Athens, Ohio (l970)

[49] Representation theory of a new relativistic dynamical group, with J.J. Aghassi and P. Roman Nuovo Cimento A Vol. 5, 551-590 (l971)

[50] Inhomogeneous U(3.1)-invariant extension of vacuum expectation values, with P. Roman, Nuovo Cimento A Vol. 2, 965-1015 (l971)

[51] Remarks on the Hermitean extension of the scattering amplitude, with P. Roman, Contributed paper to the l971 APS meeting Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. Vol. 15, 1409 (l971)

[52] Nonrelativistic composite elementary particles and the conformal Galilei group, with J.J. Aghassi, P. Roman and P.L. Huddleston Nuovo Cimento A Vol. 12, 185-204 (l972)

[53] Some examples of IU(3.1)-invariant analytic extension of N-point functions, with P. Roman and C.N. Ktorides Particles and Nuclei Vol./ 3, 332-350 (l972)

[54] Can the generalized Haag theorem be further generalized? with C.N. Ktorides Phys. Rev. D Vol. 7, 2447-2456 (l973)

[55] On the origin of the gravitational field, Preprint Dept. of Physics, Boston Univ. unpublished (l973)

[56] Partons and Gravitations, some puzzling questions, Annals of Physics Vol. 83, 108-157 (l974)

[57] Generalization of the PCT theorem to all discrete space-time symmetries in quantum field theories, with C.N. Ktorides Phys. Rev. D Vol. 10, 3396-3406 (l974)

[58] Analytic approach to discrete symmetries, invited paper for the l975 Coral Gables Conference Orbis Scientiae II (1974) )

Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a Lagrangian in field theory, Center for Theoretical Physics, MIT, Cambridge, MA

[59] Part I:
Variational Approach to Selfadjointness for Tensorial Field Equations, MIT-CTP preprint no. 533, Annals of Physics Vol. 103, 354-408 (l977)

[60] Part II:
Direct Analytic Representations of Tensorial Field Equations, MIT-CTP preprint no. 534, Annals of Physics, Vol. 103, 409-468 (l977)

[61] Part III:
Generalized Analytic Representations of Tensorial Field Equations MIT-CTP preprint no. 560, Annals of Physics Vol. 105, 227-258 (l977)

[62] Part IV:
Isotopic and Genotopic Transformations of the Lagrangian for Tensorial Field Equations MIT-CTP preprint no. 609, unpublished (l977)

[63] Part V:
The Problem of Symmetries and Conservation Laws for Tensorial Field Equations, MIT-CTP preprint no.610, unpublished (l977)

[64] On a possible Lie-admissible covering of the Galilei Relativity for nonconservative and Galilei form-noninvariant systems, Lyman Laboratory of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge MA Hadronic J. Vol. 1, 223-423 (l978), and addendum Vol. 1, 1279-1342 (l978)

[65] Need for subjecting to an experimental verification the validity within a hadron of Einstein's Special Relativity and Pauli's Exclusion Principle, Lyman Laboratory of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA Hadronic J. Vol. 1, 574-902 (l978)

[66] Isotopic breaking of gauge theories Phys. Rev. D Vol. 20, 555-570 (l979)

[67] Lie-admissible structure of statistical mechanics, with J. Fronteau and A.Tellez-Arenas Hadronic J. Vol. 3, 130-176 (l979)

[68] Closed systems with nonconservative internal forces, with A.Tellez-Arenas and J. Fronteau Hadronic J. Vol. 3, 177-195 (l979)

[69] Further studies on the recently proposed test of Pauli's exclusion principle under strong interactions, with H. C. Myung Hadronic J. Vol. 3, 196-255 (l979)

[70] The Lie and Lie-admissible symmetries of dynamical systems, with G.E. Prince, P.G. Leach, T.M. Kaloutas and C.J. Eliezer Hadronic J. Vol. 3, 390-439 (l979)

[71] Initiation of the representation theory of a Lie-admissible algebra of operators on a bimodular Hilbert space, Hadronic J. Vol. 3, 440-506 (l979)

[72] Status of the mathematical and physical studies on the Lie-admissible formulation as of July l979, with particular reference to strong interactions, Department of Mathematics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA Hadronic J. Vol. 2, 1460-2019 (l979) and addendum 3, 914099 (l980)

[73] Remarks on the problematic aspects of Heisenberg/Lie/symplectic formulations Hadronic J. Vol. 3, 854-914 (l980)

[74] Elaboration of the recently proposed test of Pauli principle under strong interactions, with C.N. Ktorides and H.C. Myung Phys. Rev. D Vol. 22, 892?907 (l980)

[75] Experimental, theoretical and mathematical elements for a possible Lie-admissible generalization of the notion of particle under strong interactions, The Institute for Basic Research Contributed paper to the l980 Clausthal Conference on Differential Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics, Hadronic J. Vol. 4, 1166-1257 (l981)

[76] Generalization of Heisenberg uncertainty principle for strong interactions, Hadronic J. 4, 642-657 (l981)

[77] A structure model of the elementary charge, Hadronic J. Vol. 4, 770-784 (l981)

[78] An intriguing legacy of Einstein, Fermi, Jordan and others: the possible invalidation of quark conjectures (as elementary constituents), Found. Phys. Vol. 11, 383-472 (l981)

[79] Can strong interactions accelerate particles faster than the speed of light? Nuovo Cimento Vol. 33, 145-153 (l982)

[80] An Introduction to the Lie-admissible Treatment of Nonpotential Interactions in Newtonian, Statistics and Particle Mechanics, The Institute for Basic Research Hadronic J. Vol. 5, 264-359 (l982)

Foundations of the Hadronic Generalization of Atomic Mechanics, The Institute for Basic Research

[81] Part I:
Generalization of Heisenberg's and Schroedinger's Representations, Hadronic J. Vol. 5, 1194-1276 (l982)

[82] Part II:
Modular-isotopic Hilbert Space Formulation of the Exterior Strong Problem, with H.C. Myung Hadronic J. Vol. 5, 1277-1366 (l982)

[83] Part III:
Bimodular-genotopic Hilbert Space Formulation of the Interior Strong Problem, with H.C. Myung Hadronic J. Vol. 5, 1367-1404 (l982)

[84] Foundations of Hadronic Mechanics via an Isotopic Lifting of Dirac's Formulation of Quantum Mechanics, with R. Mignani and H.C. Myung The Institute for Basic Research Hadronic J. Vol. 6, l873-1950 (l983)

[85] Lie-isotopic lifting of the special relativity for extended deformable particle, Lett. Nuovo Cimento Vol. 37, 545-555 (l983)

[86] A possible, Lie-admissible, time-asymmetric model for open nuclear reactions, Lett. Nuovo Cimento Vol. 37, 337-344 (l983)

[87] Lie-isotopic lifting of unitary symmetries and of Wigner's theorem for extended deformable particles, Lett. Nuovo Cimento Vol. 3, 509-521 (l983)

[88] A conceivable lattice structure of the Coulomb law, with E. Papp Lett. Nuovo Cimento 37, 505-508 (l983)

[89] Heuristic approach to symmetries and conserved quantities of classical and quantum version of Nambu's mechanics, with A. Kalnay Hadronic J. Vol. 6, 1798-1840 (l983)

[90] Use of hadronic mechanics for the possible regaining of the exact space- reflection symmetry in weak interactions, Hadronic J. Vol. 7, 1680-1685 (l984)

[91] Use of the Lie-isotopic algebras for the quantization of Nambu's mechanics, Contributed paper at the l984 Clausthal Conference on Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics, with A. Kalnay, unpublished (1984)

[92] Lie-isotopic liftings of Lie symmetries, I: General Considerations, Hadronic J. Vol. 8, 25-35 (l985)

[93] Lie-isotopic lifting of Lie symmetries, II: Lifting of Rotations, Hadronic J. Vol. 8, 36-51 (l985)

[94] A journey toward physical truth, Invited paper for the Calcutta l985 Conference, Published in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Quantum Statistics and Foundational Problems of Quantum Mechanics Hadronic J. Suppl. Vol. 1, 662-685 (l985)

[95] Isotopic Lifting of Galilei's Relativity for Classical Interior Dynamical Systems, The Institute for Basic Research, Hadronic J. Suppl. Vol 4A, issue no. 1, 1-153 (l988)

[96] Isotopic Lifting of Contemporary Mathematical Structures, The Institute for Basic Research, Hadronic J. Suppl. Vol. 4A, issue no. 2, 155-266 (l988)

[97] Isotopic Lifting of Einstein Special Relativity for Classical Interior Dynamical Systems, The Institute for Basic Research, Hadronic J. Suppl. Vol. 4A, issue no. 3, pp. 267-405 (l988)

[98] Isotopic Lifting of Einstein's General Relativity for Classical Interior Gravitational Problems, The Institute for Basic Research, Hadronic J. Suppl. Vol. 4A, issue no. 4, 407-501 (l988)

[99] Foundations of the Isotopies of Quantum Mechanics, The Institute for Basic Research, Hadronic J. Suppl. Vol. 4B, issue no. 1 (l989)

[100] Operator Isogalilean Relativities for Interior Problems in Particle Physics, The Institute for Basic Research, Hadronic J. Suppl. Vol. 4B, Issue no. 2 (l989)

[101] Operator Isospecial Relativities for Interior Problems in Particle Physics, The Institute for Basic Research, Hadronic J. Suppl.Vol. 4B, issue no. 3 (l989)

[102] Operator Isogravitation and Iso-Grand-Unifications, The Institute for Basic Research, Hadronic J. Suppl. Vol. 4B, issue no. 4 (l989)

[103] Apparent consistency of Rutherford's hypothesis of the neutron as a compressed hydrogen atom, Hadronic J. Vol. 13, 513-532 (l990)

[104] On a conceivable feasibility of the Death Ray, Hadronic J. Vol. 13, 533-550 (l990)

[105] Quantization rule for hadronic mechanics, Contributed paper to the Fourth Workshop on Hadronic Mechanics, Skopjie, Yugoslavia, l988, Printed in the proceedings Hadronic Mechanics and Nonpotential Interactions, M. Mijatovic, Editor, Nova Science, New York, pp. 19-26 (l990)

[106] Isotopies of Contemporary Mathematical Structures, The Institute for Basic Research
Part I:
Isotopies of Fields, Vector Spaces, Transformation Theory, Lie Algebras, Analytic Mechanics, and Space-Time Symmetries, the Institute for Basic Research, Algebras, Groups and Geometries Vol. 8, 169-266 (l991)

[107] Isotopies of Contemporary Mathematical Structures, The Institute for Basic Research
Part II:
Isotopies of Symplectic Geometry, Affine Geometry, Riemannian Geometry and Einstein's Gravitation, The Institute for Basic Research, Algebras, Groups and Geometries Vol. 8, 275-390 (l991)

[108] Lie-isotopic generalization of the Poincare´ symmetry ICTP preprint IC/91-45), unpublished (l991)

[109] Theory of mutation of elementary particles and its application to Rauch's experiments on the spinorial symmetry, ICTP preprint IC/91-46, unpublished (l991)

[110] Apparent consistency of Rutherford's hypothesis on the neutron structure via the hadronic generalization of quantum mechanics, ICTP preprint IC/91-47, unpublished (l991)

[111] Isotopic lifting of SU(3) with integer quark charges, with R. Mignani, ICTP preprint IC/91-48, unpublished (l991)

[112] Inequivalence of the interior and exterior dynamical problems ICTP preprint IC/91-258, unpublished (l991)

[113] Closed systems with nonhamiltonian internal forces, ICTP preprint IC/91-259, unpublished (l991)

[114] Generalized two-body and three-body systems with nonhamiltonian internal forces, ICTP preprint IC/91-260, unpublished (l991) )

[115] Rotational-isotopic symmetries, ICTP preprint IC/91-261, unpublished (l991)

[116]Euclidean-isotopic symmetries, ICTP preprint IC/91-262, unpublished (l991)

[117] Galilei-isotopic symmetries, ICTP preprint IC/91-263, unpublished (l991)

[118] Galilei-isotopic relativities, ICTP preprint IC/91-264, unpublished (l991)

[119] The notion of nonrelativistic isoparticle, ICTP preprint IC/91-265 , unpublished (l991)

[120] Lie-admissible structure of Hamilton's original equations with external terms, ICTP preprint IC/91-266, unpublished (l991)

[121] Nonlocal Formulation of the Bose-Einstein Correlation within the context of Hadronic Mechanics, Hadronic J. Vol. 15, Part I: 1-50 and Part II: 77-134 (l992)

[122] Use of hadronic mechanics for a characterization of the shape of the proton, with M. Nishioka Physics Essays Vol. 5, 44-46 (l992)

[123] On a possible non-Lorentzian energy-dependence of the Kos lifetime, with F. Cardone and R. Mignani J. Phys. G: Nucl & Part. Phys. Vol. 18, L61-L65 (l992)

[124] Lie-isotopic energy-dependence of the Kos lifetime, with F. Cardone and R. Mignani, J. Phys. G: Nucl. & Part. Phys., Vol. 18, L141-L146 (l992)

[125] Proposal to measure the possible redshift of light through planetary atmospheres, IBR preprint IB-DE-TP-92-7, unpublished (l992)

[126] Isotopies of generalized structurable algebras, with N. Kamiya Contributed paper for the International Conference in honor of Lie and Lobachevski, Tartu, Estonia (l992)

[127] Nonlinear, nonlocal and noncanonical isotopies of the Poincare´ symmetry, J. Moscow Phys. Soc. Vol. 3, 255-280 (1993)

[128] Recent theoretical and experimental evidence on the cold fusion of elementary particles, Communication of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research # E4-93-252 (1993)

[129] Isonumber and genonumbers of dimension 1, 2, 4, 8, their isoduals and pseudoduals, and hidden numbers of dimension 3, 5, 6, 7, Algebras, Groups and Geometries Vol. 10, 273-321 (1993)

[130] A characterization of isofields and their isoduals, with J. V. Kadeisvili and N. Kamiya, Hadronic J. Vol. 16, 169-187 (1993) )

[131] Standard isorepresentations of isotopic Q-operator deformations of Lie algebras, with S.U. Klimyk, Algebras, Groups and Geometries Vol. 10, 323-332 (1993)

[132] Isotopic lifting of SU(2) symmetry with application to nuclear physics, JINR Rapid Comm. Vol. 6, 24-38 (1993)

[133] Nonlocal Integral axiom-preserving isotopies and isodualities of the Minkowskian geometry, In The Mathematical Legacy of Hanno Rund, J.V. Kadeisvili, Editor, Hadronic Press, pp. 383-430 (1993) )

[134] Problematic Aspects of Weinberg's nonlinear theory, with A. Jannussis and R. Mignani, Ann, Fond. L. De Brfoglie Vol. 18, pp. 71-389 (1993)

[135] A new cosmological conception of the universe based on the isominkowskian geometry and its isodual,
Contributed paper in Analysis, Geometry and Groups, A Riemann Legacy Volume, Volume II, H.M. Srivastava, Editor, pp. 539-612 (1993)

[136] A new cosmological conception of the Universe based on the isoriemannian geometry and its isodual, in Analysis, Geometry and Groups: A Riemann Legacy Volume, Part II H. M. Srivastava and Th.M. Rassias, Editors Hadronic Press, pp. 539 (1994)

[137] Application of isosymmetry/Q-operator deformation to the cold fusion of elementary particles, in Symmetry Methods in Physics, A.N. Sissakian, G.S. Pogosyan and S.I. Vinitsky, Editor, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia (1994)

[138] Isotopic lifting of Heisenberg's uncertainties for gravitational singularities, Comm. Theor. Phys. Vol. 3, 47-66 (1994)

[139] Nonlocal isotopic representation of electron pairing in superconductivity, in Proceedings of the VI Trilateral German-Russian-Ukraine Seminar on High Temperature Superconductivity, V. L. Arksenov and E. I. Kornilov, Editors, JINR, Dubna, Russia, 331-333 (1994)

[140] Applications of isosymmetries Q-operator deformations to the cold fusion of elementary particles, In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Symmetry Methods in Physics, A.N. Sissakian, G.S. Pogosyan and S.I. Vinitsky, Editors JINR, Dubna, Russia, Volume 2, 432-442 (1994)

[141] Representation of antiparticles via isodual numbers, spaces and geometries, Comm. Theor. Phys. Vol. 3, 153-181 (1994)

[142] A quantitative isotopic representation of the deuteron magnetic moment, In Proceedings of the International Symposium 117-126, JINR, Dubna, (1994)

[143] Isominkowskian representation of cosmological redshifts and the internal red-blue-shifts of quasars, in Frontiers of Fundamental Physics, M. Barone and F. Selleri, Editors Plenum, New York, 41-58 (1994)

[144] Antigravity, Hadronic J. Vol. 17, 257-284 (1994)

[145] Space-time machine, Hadronic J. Vol. 17, 285?310 (1994)

[146] Hadronic energy, Hadronic J. Vol. 17, 311-348 (1994)

[147] Isotopies, genotopies and isodualities of Lie's Theory, Talk delivered at the International Congress of Mathematicians, Zurich, August 3-11, unpublished (1994)

[148] Isotopic unification of gravitation and relativistic quantum mechanics and its universal isopoincare' symmetry, Contributed paper to Gravity, particles and spacetime, P. Pronin and G. Sardanashvily, Editors, World Scientific (1994)

[149] An introduction to hadronic mechanics, in Advances in Fundamental Physics, M. Barone and F. Selleri, Editors Hadronic Press, 69-186 (1995)

[150] Comments on the isotopic lifting of quark theories in Problems in High Energy Physics and Field Theory, 112-137 G.L. Rcheulishvili, Editor Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia (1995)

[151] Isotopic generalization of the Legendre, Jacobi and Bessel Functions, with A.K. Aringazin and D.A. Khirukin Algebras, Groups and Geometries Vol. 12, 255-305 (1995)

[152] Nonpotential two-body elastic scattering problem, With A.K. Aringazin and D.A. Kirukin, Hadronic J. Vol. 18, 245-256 (1995)

[153] Nonpotential elastic scattering of spinning particles, with A. K. Aringazin and D. A. Kirukin, Hadronic J. Vol. 18, 257-270 (1995)

[154]Problematic aspects of Einstein's gravitation and their possible resolution via Logunov's Relativistic gravitation, in Problems in High Energy Physics and Field Theory, pp. 25-68, Dedicated to H. Poincare,´ V.A. Petrov and S.M. Troshin, Editors, Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia (1994)

[155] Limitations of the special and general relativities and their isotopic generalizations, Chinese J. Syst. Eng. & Electr. Vol. 6, 157-176 (1995)

[156] Nonlocal isotopic representation of the Cooper pair in superconductivity, with A. O.E. Animalu Intern. J. Quantum Chem. Vol. 26, 175-187 (1995)

[157] Recent Theoretical and experimental evidence on the apparent synthesis of the neutron from protons and electrons, Chine J. Syst. Eng. & Electr. Vol. 6, 177-199 (1995)

[158] Nonpotential two-body elastic scattering problem, with A.K. Aringazin and D.A. Kirukin, Hadronic J. Vol. 18, 245256 (1995)

[159] Nonpotential elastic scattering of spinning particles, with A.K. Aringazin and D.A. Kirukin, Hadronic J. Vol. 18, 257-270 (1995)

[160] Isotopic lifting of Newtonian mechanics, Revista Tecnica Vol. 18, 271-284 (1995)

[161] Isotopic lifting of quark theories with exact confinement and convergent perturbative expansions, Comm. Theor. Phys. Vol. 4, (1995), 1-23)

[162] Quantum-Iso-Gravity, Comm. Theor. Phys. Vol. 4, in press (1995)

[163] Isotopic lifting of quark theories, International Journal of Physics Vol. 1, 1-26 (1995)

[164] Exact quark confinement and convergent perturbative series via nonlinear isotopies of strong interactions, Proceedings of the International Workshop and Conference on Quark Matter and Heavy Ion Collision, W. Khan, Editor Hadronic J. Suppl. Vol. 10, 175-203 (1995)

[165] Isotopic lifting of classical and quantum mechanics, Indian J. Mathematics Vol. 37, 235-256 (1995)

[166] Isotopic lifting of quark theories, Contributed paper in Problems in High Energy Physics and Field Theory, Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia, 112-137 (1955)

[167] Isotopies, genotopies, hyperstructures and their applications, with T. Vougiouklis, Contributed paper to New Frontiers in Mathematics, Vol. I, 1-48 (1995)

[168] Isotopic quantization of gravity and its universal isopoincare' symmetry, Contributed paper to the Proceedings of the Seventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting in General Relativity, R.T. Jantzen, G. MacKeiser and R. Ruffini, Editors, World Scientific, 500-505 (1995)

[169] Isotopies, genotopies and hyperstructures, with T. Vougiouklis in New Frontiers in Hyperstructures, T. Vougiouklis, Editor Hadronic Press, pp. 1-48 (1996)

[170]An introduction to isotopic, genotopic and hyperstructural methods, for new frontiers in theoretical biology, in New Frontiers in Theoretical Biology, C.A.C. Dreismann, Editor, Hadronic Press (1996)

[171] Isotopic unification of gravitation and relativistic quantum mechanics and its universal isopoincare´ symmetry, In Gravitation, Particles and Space-Time, (Ivanenko Memorial Volume), P.I. Pronin and J.V. Sardanashvily, Editors, World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 369-383 (1996)

[172] Isotopic quantization of gravity and its universal isopoincare´ symmetry, In Proceedings of the VII M. Grossmann Meeting on Gravitation, R.T. Jantzen, G. Mac Keiser and R. Ruffini, Editors, World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 500-505 (1996)

[173] Isotopic liftings of the Pythagorean theorem, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, Anale Stintifice Universitatii Ovidius Constanta Vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 113-126 (1996)

[174] Magnetic fields and the gravity of matter and antimatter, Proceedings of 1995 HYMAG, Don Wade, Editor, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, Florida (1996) )

[175] Nonlocal-integral isotopies of differential calculus, geometries and mechanics, Rendiconti Circolo Matematico Palermo, Suppl. Vol. 42, pp. 7-82 (1996)

[176] Geometrization of Locally varying speeds of light via the isoriemannian geometry, Anale Stiintifice Univ. Al.I. Cuza, Matematica, Vol. XLII, pp. 121-72 (1996)

[177] Representation of nonhamiltonian vector fields in the coordinates of the observer via the isosymplectic geometry, Balkan Journal of Geometry and its Applications, Vol. 1, pp. 61-73 (1996)

[178] An introduction to nonrelativistic and relativistic hadronic mechanics, Contributed paper to New Frontiers in Hadronic Mechanics, T.L. Gill, Editor, Hadronic Press, pp. 1-102 (1996)

[179] Isodual theory of antimatter and its prediction of antigravity, Contributed paper to New Frontiers in Hadronic Mechanics, T.L. Gill, Editor, Hadronic Press, pp. 343-416 (1996)

[180] A characterization of pseudoisofields, (with N. Kamiya) Algebras, Groups and Geometries Vol. 13, pp. 283-294 (1996)

[181] Isotopic lifting of Differential Geometry, Revista Tecnica Univ. Zulia Vol. 19, 69-84 (1996)

[182] Isotopic lifting of analytic and quantum mechanics, Rev. Tec. Ingegn. Univ. Zulia Vol. 19, pp. 3-16 (1996)

[183] Does antimatter emit a new light? Communication of the JINR, Dubna, Russia, no. E2-96-259 (1996)

[184] Isotopies of local-differential geometries, Indian J. Math. Vol. 38, pp. 1-24 (1996)

Isotopies of the Pythagorean theorem, Global Analysis, Differential geometry and Lie Algebras, Gr. Tsagas, Editor, Balkan Society of Geometers, Volume 1, pp. 83-94, Balkan Society of Geometers (1997)

[185] Limits of applicability of the special and general relativities, Contributed paper to New Frontiers in Relativity, T. Gill, Editor, Hadronic Press, pp. 121-148 (1996)

[186] Isospecial relativity as a unified formulation of the special and general relativities, Contributed paper to New Frontiers in Relativity, T. Gill, Editor Hadronic Press, pp. 333-358 (1996)

[187] Does antimatter emit a new light? Contributed paper to the International Workshop on the Gravity of Antimatter and Anti-Hydrogen Atom Spectroscopy, Hyperfine Interactions Vol. 109, pp. 63-81 (1997), Invited paper

[188] [130] A characterization of isofields and their isoduals, with J. V. Kadeisvili and N. Kamiya, Hadronic J. Vol. 16, 169-187 (1993)

[189] Possible implications of nonlocal-integral nuclear effects for new methods of recycling nuclear waste, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Large Scale Collective Motion of Atomic Nuclei, G. Giardina, G. Fazio and M. Lattuada, Editors, World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 549-556 (1997)

[190] Invariant, directly universal, inverse isotopic problem for nonlinear, nonlocal and nonhamiltonian interior dynamical systems, rejected by Inverse Problem, unpublished

[191] Problematic aspects of dissipative nuclear models, Rejected by Phys. Rev. C (1997), unpublished

[192] Invariant Lie-admissible formulation of quantum deformations, Foundations of Physics, Vol. 27, 1159-1177 (1997) Invited paper for a special issue dedicated to L. Biederharn

[193] Invariant Lie-admissible formulation of dissipative nuclear models, rejected by Phys/ Rev. C (1997)

[194] Isodual relativity for matter and its isodual for antimatter, Gravitation, Vol. 3, no. 2 (1997) [195] Relativistic hadronic mechanics: Nonunitary, axiom-preserving completion of relativistic quantum mechanics, Foundations of Physics, vol. 27, 625-740 (1997)

[196] Isotopic Grand Unification with the Inclusion of Gravitation, Foundations of Physics Letters Vol. 10, 307-327 (1997)

[197] On Winterberg's unified theory, G. Cavallero and E. Tonni, publication data unknown (1997)

[198] Isotopies of Local-Differential geometries, Indian J. Mathematics Vol. 38, pp. 43-54 (1997)

[199] Evidence of the isominkowskian character of the hadronic structure, with Yu. Arestov and V. Solovianov Found. Phys. Letters Vol. 11, pp. 483-493 (1998)

[200] Embedding of Lie algebras in isogeneralized structurable algebras, with N. Kamiya Acta Applicandae Mathematicae Vol. 50, pp. 167-175 (1998)

[201] Isorepresentations of the Lie-isotopic SU(2) algebra with applications to nuclear physics and local realism, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae Vol. 50, pp. 177-190 (1998)

[202] Foundations of Hadronic Chemistry, I: Isochemical model of the hydrogen molecule, with D.D. Shillady Hadronic J. Vol. 21, pp. 507-562 (1998)

[203] Ab Initio hadronic chemistry, I: Basic methods, with D.D. Shillady Hadronic J. Vol. 21, pp. 633-714 (1998)

[204] Ab Initio hadronic chemistry, II: Isochemical model of the hydrogen molecule, with D.D. Shillady Hadronic J. Vol. 21, pp. 715-758 (1998)

[205] Ab Initio hadronic chemistry, III: Isochemical model of the water molecule, with D.D. Shillady Hadronic J. Vol. 21, pp. 759-788 (1998)

[206] Theoretical prediction and experimental verifications of the new chemical species of magnecules, Hadronic J. Vol. 21, pp. 789-894 (1998)

[207] Hadronically correlated SCF treatment of Li4, a test case for for correlated energy of mental clusters, with D.D. Shillady publication data unknown (1998)

[208] Nuclear realization of hadronic mechanics and the exact representation of nuclear magnetic moments, Intern. J. of Phys. Vol. 4, pp. 1-70 (1998)

[209] An outline of the new combustible gas AquaFuel, its energy conversions, its technologies and its applications, Hadronic Journal Supplement Vol. 12, 1-22 (1998)

[210] Isominkowskian formulation of gravity, Contributed paper in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Modern Modified Theories of Gravitation and Cosmology, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel, June 29-30, 1997, E.I. Guendelman, Editor, Hadronic Journal Vol. 21, pp. 3- 69 (1998)

[211] An introduction to AquaFuel, its energy conversion, its applications and its open problems, Hadronic J. Suppl. Vol. 13, 1-23 (1998)

[212] Origin, problematic aspects and invariant formulation of q-, k- and quantum deformations, Modern Physics Letters Vol. 13, 327-335 (1998)

[213] Isominkowskian Geometry for the Gravitational Treatment of Matter and its Isodual for Antimatter, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D Vol. 7, 351-407 (1998)

[214] AquqFuel^TM, An example of the emerging new energies and the new methods for their treatment, Infinite Energy, Vol. 19, 72-78 (1998)

[215] Foundations of hadronic chemistry, I: Isochemical model of the hydrogen molecule, Hadronic J. Vol. 21, 507-562 (1998)

[216] Isominkowskian formulation of gravity and cosmology, Contributed paper to the proceedings of the International Workshop on Modern Modified Theories of Gravitation and Cosmology, E. I. Guendelman, Editor, Hadronic Press, pages 113-169 (1998)

[217] Physical laws of the emerging new energies as predicted by hadronic mechanics, Infinite Energy, Vol. 22, pp. 33-49 (1998)

[218] Unification of gravitation and electroweak interactions, Contributed paper in the Proceedings of the Eight Marcel Grossmann Meeting in Gravitation, T. Piran, and R. Ruffini, Editors, World Scientific, pp. 473-475 (1999)

[219] Origin, problematic aspects and invariant formulation of classical and operator deformations, Intern. J. Modern Phys. A Vol. 14, pp. 3157-33206 (1999)

[220] A new iso-chemical model of the hydrogen molecule, with D.D. Shillady, Intern. J. Hydrogen Energy Vol. 24, 943-956 (1999)

[221] Nuclear realization of hadronic mechanics and the exact representation of nuclear magnetic moments, Communications in Math. and Theor. Phys. Vol. 2, 1-12 (1999)

[222] Classical isodual theory of antimatter and its prediction of antigravity, Intern. J. Modern Phys. A Vol. 14, pp. 2205-2238 (1999)

[223] Physical laws of the emerging new energies as predicted by hadronic mechanics, II: The new mechanics, Infinite Energy, Vol. 23, pp. 69-74 (1999)

[224] Physical laws of the emerging new energies as predicted by hadronic mechanics, III: The structure of the neutron and new energies of Class I, Infinite Energy, Vol. 25, pp. 75-85 (1999)

[225] A new isochemical model of the water molecule, with D.D. Shillady, Intern. J. Hydrogen Energy Vol. 25, pp. 173-183 (2000)

[226] Direct universality of the isospecial relativity for photons with arbitrary speeds, in Photons: Old Problems in Light of New Ideas, Valery V. Dvoeglazov, Editor, Nova Science Publishers, pp. 421-442 (2000)

[227] Experimental evidence of superluminal speeds, with E. Recami Hadronic J. Vol. 23, pp. 279-294 (2000)

[228] Alarming oxygen depletion in the combustion of hydrogen produced via regeneration methods, Contributed paper to the Hydrogen International Conference HY2000, Munich, Germany, September 11 to 15 (2000)

[229] Nuclear realization of hadronic mechanics and its exact representation of nuclear magnetic moments, Comm. Math. & Theor. Phys. Vol. 2, 1-66 (2001)

[230] A study of the energy efficiency of hadronic reactors of molecular type, with A.K. Aringazin, Hadronic Journal Vol. 27, 273-298 (2004)

[231] Structure and combustion of magnegases, With A.K. Arinmgazin, Hadronic Journal Vol. 27, pages 299-330 (2004)

[232] Study of polycarbonyl compounds present in magnegas, with A.K. Aringazin, Hadronicv Journal Vol. 27, pages 332347 (2004)

[233] Iso-, geno-, hyper-mathematics and their isoduals, Invited plenary talk at the International Congress of Mathematicians, Hong Kong, China, August 2002, in press in the conference proceedings

[234] New problematic aspects of string current string theories and their invariant resolution, Foundation of Physics, Vol. 32, pages 1111-1140 (2002).

[235] Iso-, geno-, hyper-mechanics for matter and their isoduals for antimatter, Invited plenary talk at the Meeting of the International Association for Relativitstic Dynamics, Washington, D.C., June 2002, Found. of Phys. Vol. 33, 1373-1416 (2003)

[236] Iso-, geno-, hyper-relativities for matter and their isoduals for antimatter, and their novel applications in physics, chemistry and biology, December 22, 2002, in press at the Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories, Vol. 1, 121-193 (2003)

[237] Iso-, geno-, hyper-mathematics and their isoduals constructed from open physical, chemnical and biological problems, Proceedings of the ICM Satellite Meeting in Hong Kong, Advances in Algebras, K. P. Shum et al. Editors, pages 185-220 (2003)

[238] Axiomatic inconsistencies of grand unifications and their possible isotopic resolution, Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie, Volume 29, pages 953-968 (2004)

[239] A new gaseous and combustible form of water, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, in press (2004) [240] Inconsistencies of general relativity and their apparent resolution via the Poincare' Invariant isogravitation, IBR preprint TPH-03-05 (2005)

[241] Inconsistencies of neutrinop and quark conjectures and their negative environmental implications, IBR preprint TPH-34-05 (2005)

[242] The novel controlled intermediate nuclear fusion and its possible industrial realizatrion as predicted by hadronic mechanics and chemistry, IBR preprint TPH-09-05 (2005) Conference Proceedings

Santilli is the Editor or Co-editor of the following Conference Proceedings and Proceedings Reprints Volumes:

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Lie-Admissible Formulations, Science Center, Harvard University, August 1 to 8 (l979)

Part I: Review Papers, Hadronic J. Vo.l. 2, no. 6, pp. 1252-2033 (l979)

Part II: Research Papers, Hadronic J. Vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-725 (l980)

Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Lie-Admissible Formulations, University of Massachusetts, Boston, August 4 to 9 (l980)

Part A: Mathematics, Hadronic J. Vol. 4, issue no. 2, pp. 183-607 (l981)

Part B: Theoretical Physics, Hadronic J. Vo.4, issue no. 3, pp. 608-1165 (l981)

Part C: Experimental Physics and Bibliography Hadronic J. Vol. 4, issue no. 4, pp. 1166-1625 (l981)

Proceedings of the First International Conference on Nonpotential Interactions and their Lie-Admissible Treatment, Universite´ d'Orle´ans, France, January 5 to 9 (l982)

6) Part A: Invited Papers Hadronic J., Vol. 5, issue no. 2, pp. 245-678 (l982)

Part B: Invited Papers, Hadronic J. Vol. 5, issue no. 3, pp. 679-1193 (l982)

Part C: Contributed Papers, Hadronic J. Vol. 5, issue no. 4, pp. 1194-1626 (l982)

Part D: Contributed Papers, Hadronic J. Vol. 5, issue no. 5, pp. 1627-1948 (l982)

Proceedings of the First Workshop on Hadronic Mechanics, The Institute for Basic Research, Cambridge, MA, August 2 to 6, l983 with J. Fronteau, R. Mignani and H.C. Myung Hadronic J. Vol. 6, issue no. 6, pp. 1400-1989 (l983)

Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Hadronic Mechanics Center Alessandro Volta, Villa Olmo, Italy, August 1 to 3, (l984)

Volume I: Hadronic J. Vol. 7, issue no. 5, pp. 911-1258 (l984)

Volume II: Hadronic J. Vol. 7, issue no. 6, pp. 1259-1759 (l984)

Fourth Workshop on Hadronic Mechanics and Nonpotential Interactions, Univ. of Skopjie, Yugoslavia, August 22 to 26 (l988) with A.D. Jannussis, R. Mignani, M. Mijatovic, H.C. Myung B. Popov and A. Tellez Arenas Nova Science, New York (l990)

Reprint Volumes

Santilli is also the Editor of the following series of reprint volumes:

: Applications of Lie-Admissible Algebras in Physics, H.C. Myung, S. Okubo and R.M. Santilli, Editors, Volume I (l978), Hadronic Press Inc., Box 0594, Tarpon Springs, FL 34688

Application of Lie-Admissible Algebras in Physics, H.C. Myung, S. Okubo and R.M. Santilli, Editors Volume II (l979), Hadronic Press, Tarpon Springs, FL

Applications of Lie-Admissible Algebras in Physics, R.M. Santilli, Editor, Volume III (l984): Direct Universality of Lie-Admissible Algebras in Newtonian, Statistical and Particle Physics, Hadronic Press, Tarpon Springs, FL

Selected Papers of Italian Physicists: Piero Caldirola, E. Recami, R. Mignani and R.M. Santilli, Editors

Volume I (l986)

Volume II (l986)

Volume III (l986)

7) Developments in the Quark Theory of Hadrons, D.B. Lichtenberg and S.P. Rosen, Editors Volume I: Original papers from l964 to l978, Hadronic Press, Tarpon Springs FL (l979)

Developments in the Quark Theory of Hadrons, Volume II: Papers from l979 to l989, in preparation

Developments in the Quark Theory of Hadrons, Volume III: Isotopic quark theories, Scheduled for the completion of the series

Irreversibility and Nonpotentiality in Statistical Mechanics, A. Schoeber, Editor Hadronic Press, Tarpon Springs, FL (l984)

Advances in Discrete Mathematics and Computer Sciences, D.F. Hsu, Editor

Volume I: Neofields and Combinatorial Designs, Hadronic Press, Tarpon Springs, FL (l985)

Volume II: Hadronic Press, Tarpon Springs, FL (l986)

13) Volume III: Gradient Projection Methods in Linear and Nonlinear Programming, Hadronic Press, Tarpon Springs, FL (l988)

Volume IV: In preparation

[261] Volume V:
In preparation

Mathematical Studies in Lie-admissible Algebras, Volume I (l985), H.C. Myung, Editor, Hadronic Press, Tarpon Springs, FL

Volume II (l985), H.C. Myung, Editor, Hadronic Press, Tarpon Springs, FL

18) Volume III (l986), H.C. Myung, Editor, Hadronic Press, Tarpon Springs, FL

Volume IV (l986), H.C. Myung, Editor, Hadronic Press, Tarpon Springs, FL

Volume V, R.M. Santilli, Editor, In preparation


Santilli has delivered various seminars on advanced topics in physics and mathematics at the following institutions:

Seminars in Europe and the Middle East

# International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy
# University of Turin, Italy
# University of Milan, Italy
# University of Bari, Italy
# Avogadro Institute, Turin, Italy
# University of Naples, Italy
# Mathematical Institute Castelnuovo, Univ. of Rome, Italy
# Institut voor Theoretische Mechanica Rijksuniversiteit Gent, Belgium
# Institut der Theoretisce Physik der Universitat, Zurich, Switzerland
# Institut H. Poincare,´ Paris, France
# Atominstitut, Wien, Austria
# Italian National Laboratories, Frascati, Italy
# University of Patras, Greece
# Mathematics Institute, Aristotle Univ., Thessaloniki, Greece
# Universite´ d'Orleans, France
# Democritos University, Xanthi, Greece
# Demokritus Institute, Athens, Greece
# Ukraine Academy of Sciences, Kiev
# Istituto Ricerche di Basi, Monteroduni, Italy
# Estonia Academy of Sciences, Tartu
# Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia
# Moscow State University
# University Al.I. Cuza, Iasi, Rumania
# University of Constanta, Rumania
# Karaganda State University, Kazakhstan
# Institute for Nuclear Physics, Alma Ata, Kazakhstan
# King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
# Academia Sinica, Beijing, China
# Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong University
# Joint Imstitute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
# Oxford University, Oxford, England

Seminars in the USA

# Center for Theoretical Studies, Univ. of Miami, FL
# Ohio State University, Athens, Ohio
# University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
# Boston University, Boston, MA
# Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
# Northeastern University, Boston, MA
# University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA
# Boston College, Boston, MA
# University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
# Department of Physics, Howard Univ. Washington D.C.
# Dept of Mathematics, Howard Univ., Washington D.C.
# University of Reno, Reno, NV
# University of California, Los Angeles, CA
# University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
# Center for Theoretical Physics, MIT, Cambridge, MA
# Lyman Laboratory of Physics, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA
# Department of Mathematics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
# Stanford University, Stanford, CA
# National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, FL


Santilli has been the organizer or co-organizer of the following conferences, organizations and workshops:

1) First workshop on Lie-admissible Formulations, Department of Mathematics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA August 24-25, l978

2) Second workshop on Lie-admissible formulations, Science Center, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA August 1-4, l979

3) Third workshop on Lie-admissible formulations, Science Center, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA August 4 to 9, l980

4) Fourth workshop on Lie-admissible formulations, The Institute for Basic Research, Cambridge, MA August 3-7, l981

5) Fifth workshop on Lie-admissible formulations, The Institute for Basic Research, Cambridge, MA August 2-7, l983

6) First workshop on hadronic mechanics, The Institute for Basic Research, Cambridge, MA August 2-7, l983

7) Second workshop on hadronic mechanics, Center Alessandro Volta, Villa Olmo, Como, Italy August 1-4, l984

8) Third workshop on hadronic mechanics, University of Patras, Patras, Greece August 25-30, l986

9) Fourth workshop on hadronic mechanics, University of Skopje, Yugoslavia August 22-26, l988

10) First international Conference on nonpotential interactions and their Lie- admissible treatment, Universite´d'Orle´ans, France January 5-9, l982

11) First International Workshop on New Frontiers in Hyperstructures, Istituto per la Ricerca di Base, Castello Principe Pignatelli, Monteroduni, Italy, August 1995

12) First International Workshop on New Frontiers in Geometries, Istituto per la Ricerca di Base, Castello Principe Pignatelli, Monteroduni, Italy, August 1995

13) First International Workshop on New Frontiers in Physics, Istituto per la Ricerca di Base, Castello Principe Pignatelli, Monteroduni, Italy, August 1995

14) First International Workshop on New Frontiers in Theoretical Biology, Istituto per la Ricerca di Base, Castello Principe Pignatelli, Monteroduni, Italy, August 1995

15) International Workshop on Open Problems on the Frontiers of Mathematics and Physics, Academia Sinica, Beijing, China, August 1997

Editorial Activities

Santilli is the founder and editor-in-chief of the following three journals:


A bi-monthly journal for original and advanced research in Applied Mathematics, Theoretical and Experimental Physics in its 24-th year of regular publication;
A quarterly journal for the publication of selected and advanced long review- research papers and Ph.D. thesis at its 15-th year of regular publications; and

A quarterly journal for the publication of advanced, purely mathematical research in algebras, groups and geometries at its 15-th year of regular publication

The above journals have acquired an international reputation for having provided the birth of a number of advances in mathematics and physics, such as:

# Birkhoffian generalization of Hamiltonian mechanics (HJ, l978)
# Hadronic generalization of quantum mechanics (HJ l978)
# Isotopies of Lie's theory (HJ l978)
# Genotopies of Lie's theories /Lie-admissible theories (HJ l978)
# Local-diff. isotopies and genotopies of symplectic geometry (HJ 1978)
# Integro-diff. isotopies and genotopies of symplectic geometry (AGG 1991)
# Integro-diff. isotopies and genotopies of Riemannian geometry (AGG l991)
# Classical isotopies and genotopies of Galilei's relativity (HJ l978)
# Classical isotopies and genotopies of Einstein's special relativity (HJ l979, HJS l988)
# Classical isotopies and genotopies of Einstein's gravitation (HJS l988)
# Integro-diff. operator isotopies of Galilei's relativity (HJS l989)
# Integro-diff. operator isotopies and genotopies of Einstein's special relativity (HJS l989)
# Integro-diff. operator formulation of isogravitation (HJS l989)
# The â¤|o particle as a compressed positronium (HJ l978)
# The neutron as a compressed hydrogen atom (HJS l989 and HJ l990)
# The first conception of hadronic energy (HJ l991)
# Integro-diff. formulation of Bose-Einstein correlation (HJ l992)
# Integro-diff. isotopies of manifolds (AGG 1992)
# Antigravity for antiparticle in the field of matter (HJ1994)
# Space-time machine (HJ1994)


Founded at Harvard University in 1978
by R.M. Santilli and H. Georgi

Editorial Board (1996)

A.O.E. ANIMALU, Univ. of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria
A.K. ARINGAZIN, Karaganda State University, Karaganda Kazakhstan
L.Y. BAHAR, Drexel University, Philadelphia PA
P. BANDYOPADHYAY, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta
T. GILL, Howard University, Washington DC
A. HURST, Univ. of Adelaide, Adelaide, So. Australia
S.L. KALLA, University of Kuwait
R.F. O'CONNELL, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
R.H. OEHMKE, Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, IO
I. PRIGOGINE, The University of Texas, Austin
E. RECAMI, State University, Campinas, Brasil
M. SALEEM, University of the Punjab, Lahora, Pakistan
R.M. SANTILLI, IBR, Palm Harbor, FL
F. SELLERI, Univ. of Bari, Bari, Italy
D.V. SHIRKOV, JINR, Dubna, Russia
H.M. SRIVASTAVA, University of Victoria, B.C., Canada
A.I. STUDENIKIN, Moscow State University, Russia

Founded in 1984 at the IBR in Cambridge, MA
by R.M. Santilli and H.C. Myung

Editorial Board (1996)

M.A. ALBAR, King Fahd University, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
G. CARICATO, Istituto Matematico Castelnuovo, Univ. Rome, Italy
G.M. CHENG, Saga University, Japan
V.V. DEODHAR, Dept of Math., Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
L.C. GROVE, University of Arizona, Tucson
D.F. HSU, Dept of Math., Fordham University, Bronx, New York
N. KAMIYA, Shimane University, Japan
A.U. KLIMYK, Ukraine Academy of Sciences, Kiev
J.A. LESLIE, Dept of Math., Howard Univ., Washington DC
J. LOHMUS, Div. of Math., Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tartu, Estonia
R. MIRON, Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania
P. NOWOSAD, Instituto de Matematica, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
T. OCCHIAI, Dept of Math., University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan L. SANTHAROUBANE, Dept de Math., Univ. de Paris Sud, Orsay, France
R.M. SANTILLI, Div. of Math., IBR, Palm Harbor, FL
G.F. TSAGAS, Dept of Math., Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece

Santilli is also an Editor of

and of other Journals.

Referee Tasks

Santilli has been referee of the following journals:

# Physical Review Letters
# Physical Review D
# Annals of Physics
# Hadronic Journal
# Hadronic Journal Supplement
# Algebras, Groups and Geometries
# Journal of Algebras
# Nuovo Cimento
# Journal of Physics
# Physics Essays
# International J. of Theor. Physics
# European Physics Letters
# Comm. Theor. Phys.
as well as referee of U.S. Governmental Agencies for grant applications


Santilli shows a long record of administrative experience, such as:

Served on the Board of Directors of an Italian Corporation in Turin, Italy

Served on the Board of Directors of a Massachusetts Corporation

Provided a variety of administrative functions at Boston University

Provided numerous administrative functions at Harvard University, including the function of Principal Co-Investigator of three grants from the US Department of Energy

1981- present
Founded, organized and funded The Institute for Basic Research by:

# participating in the legal organization., including the structuring of the charter;
# creating a Real Estate Trust for the separate administration of the IBR premises in Cambridge, MA;
# securing the Tax Exempt status from the Federal Government;
# supervising the International Admission Committee for the selection of members;
# successfully funding all IBR operations, beginning with all initial organizational expenses to this day

Founder and organizer of the Istituto per la Ricerca di Base, Castello Principe Pignatelli Monteroduni, Italy

Director of Research in U. S. corporations


Santilli is the recipient of the following honors:

# GOLD MEDAL (l978) from the Molise Province, Italy, for scientific achievements

# GOLD MEDAL (l982) from the City of Orleans, France, for scientific achievements

# Listed by the Estonian Academy of Sciences (l989) in a chart including the most illustrious applied mathematicians of all times from Gauss to this day, for his studies in Lie-admissible formulations

# History of Classic Italian Automobiles
# Secretary of the Ferrari Club of America for the Northeast from l981 to l988
# Active in hiking, fishing and boating

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