Original content uploaded February 15, 1997. Revisions uploaded on February 22 and March 29, April 4, and June 15, 1997 thanks to numerous critical comments by various visitors, which are acknowledged with gratitude. Additional critical comments should be sent to ibr@gte.net and will be appreciated.
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This section lists open research problems in pure and applied mathematics. All interested mathematicians in all countries, including graduate students, are welcome to participate in the research.
Following the introductory section, individual open problems are presented via:
Papers resulting from the proposed research will be listed at the end of each section. We assume the visitor of this site is aware of the inability at this time to have technical symbols and formulae in the www. Therefore, the symbols used in the presentation below have been rendered as simple as possible and they do not correspond to the symbols generally used in the technical literature.
Studies initiated in the late 1970's
under the support of the Department
of Energy at Department of Mathematics of Harvard University by the
theoretical physicists Ruggero Maria Santilli have indicated that
current mathematical knowledge is generally dependent on the assumption of the
simplest conceivable unit e which assumes either the numerical value e
= +1, or the n-dimensional unit form e = diag. (1, 1, . . . , 1).
Systematic studies were then initiated for the reformulation of contemporary mathematical structures with respect to a generalized unit E of the same dimension of the original unit e (e.g., an nxn matrix) but with an arbitrary functional dependence on a local chart r, its derivatives with respect to an independent variable (e.g., time t) v = dr/dt, a = dv/dt, and and any other needed variable,
Jointly, the conventional associative product axb among generic quantities a, b (e.g., numbers, vector fields, operators, etc.) is lifted into the form
By conception and construction, the new formulations are locally isomorphic to the original ones for all positive-definite generalized units E > 0. As a result, maps (3) do not yield "new mathematical axioms", but only "new realizations" of existing mathematical axioms and, for this reason, they were called "isotopic" in the Greek meaning of being "axiom-preserving".
When E is no longer Hermitean (e.g., it is nowhere singular and real-valued but non-symmetric), then we have the general loss of the original axioms in favor of more general axioms (see below for examples) and, for this reason maps (3) were called "genotopic" from the Greek meaning of being "axiom inducing". In this case we have two different units <E = 1/R and E> = 1/S, generally interconnected by the conjugation <E = (E>)Ý with corresponding ordered products to the left and to the right,
(4b) E> = 1/S, a>b = AxSxb, R = SÝ.
Additional classes of mathematical structures occur when the generalized units are multivalued, or subjected to anti-isomorphic conjugation (see below).
The new lines of mathematical inquiries emerged from these studies imply novel formulations of: number theory, functional analysis, differential geometries, Lie’s theory, topology, etc. For example, ordinary numbers and angles, conventional and special functions and transforms, differential calculus, metric spaces, enveloping algebras, Lie algebras, Lie groups, representation theory, etc., must be all reformulated under isotopies for the generalized product a*b = axTxb in such a way to admit E(t, r,v, a, ... ) = 1/T as the new left and right unit, and a more general setting occurs under genotopies.
To illustrate the nontriviality of these .liftings it is sufficient here to recall that Lie's theory with familiar product [A, B] = AxB -- BxA (where A, B are vector fields on a cotangent bundle or Hermitean operators on a Hilbert space, and AxB, BxA are conventional associative products), is linear, local-differential and potential-Hamiltonian, thus possessing clear limitations in its applications.
The isotopies and genotopies of Lie's theory , called Lie-Santilli isotheory and genotheory, respectively, include the corresponding liftings of universal enveloping algebras, Lie algebras, Lie groups, transformation and representation theories, etc. and are based on the following corresponding generalized products first proposed by Santilli in 1978
(5b) (A, B) = A<B - B>A = AxR(t, r, ...)xB - BxS(t, r, ...)xA, R = SÝ,
As expected, the theories with products (5a) and (5b) have been proved to provide an effective characterization of nonlinear, nonlocal and nonhamiltonian systems of increasing complexity (the former applying for stable-reversible condiions, and the latter for open-irreversible conditions, see the next Web Page 19). Their consistent treatment requires corresponding new mathematics, called iso- and genlo-mathematics, respectively. For instance, it would be evidently inconsistent to define an algebra with generalized unit E(t, r, ...) = EÝ over a conventional field of numbers with trivial unit e = +1, and the same happens for functional analysis, differential calculus, geometries, etc.
The studies initiated by Santilli were continued by numerous scholars including Gr. Tsagas, D. S. Sourlas, J. V. Kadeisvili, H. C. Myung, S. Okubo, S. I. Vacaru, B. Lin, D. Rapoport-Campodonico, R. Ohemke, A. K. Aringazin, M. Nishioka, G. M. Benkart, A. Kirukhin, J. Lohmus, J. M. Osborn, E. Paal, L. Sorgsepp, N. Kamiya, P. Nowosad, D. Juriev, C. Morosi, L. Pizzocchero,R.Aslander, S. Keles,and other scholars. A comprehensive list of contributions in related fields up to 1984 can be find in Tomber's Bibliography in Nonassociative Algebras, C. Baltzer et al., Editors, Hadronic Press, 1984. A bibliography on more recent contributions can be found in the monograph by J. Lohmus, A. Paal and L. Sorgsepp, Nonassociative Algebras in Physics, 1994, Hadronic Press (see Advanced Titles in Mathematics in this Web Site).
The mathematical nontriviality of the above studies is also illustrated by the fact that, at a deeper analysis, isotopies and genotopies imply the existence of SEVEN DIFFERENT LIFTINGS of current mathematical structures with a unit, each of which possess significant subclasses, as per the following outline:
1) ISODUAL MATHEMATICS. It is characterized by the so-called isodual map, first introduced by Santilli in 1985 (see [I-1] for a recent account), given the lifting of a generic quantity a (a number, vector-field, operator, etc.) into its anti-Hermitean form
Since the norm of isodual numbers is negative-definite, isodual mathematics has resulted to be useful for a novel representation of antimatter (see Page 19).
The visitor should be aware that contemporary mathematics appears to be inapplicable for a physically consistent representation of antimatter at the CLASSICAL level, with corresponding predictable shortcomings at the particle level. In fact,we only have today one type of quantization, e.g., the symplectic quantization. As a result, the operator image of contemporary mathematical treatments of antimatter does not yield the needed charge conjugate state. At any rate, the map from matter to antimatter must be anti-automorphic (or, more generally,anti-isomorphic), as it is the case for charge conjugation in second quantization.
The only known map verifying these conditions at all levels of treatment is Santilli's isodual map (6). This yields a novel classical representation of antimatter with a corresponding novel isodual quantization which does indeed yield the correct charge conjugate state of particles (see Web Page 19). Thus, the isodual mathematics resolves the historical lack of equivalence in the treatment between matter and antimatter according to which the former is treated at all levels, from classical mechanics to quantum, field theories, while the latter was treated only at the level of second quantization.
To understand the implications, the visitor should keep in mind that contemporary mathematics does not appear to be applicable for an effective treatment of antimatter, thus requiring its reconstruction in an anti-isomorphic form.
2, 3) ISOTOPIC MATHEMATICS AND ITS ISODUAL. The isotopic mathematics or isomathematics for short [I-1] is today referred to formulations for which the generalized unit E, called isounit, has a nontrivial functional dependence and it is Hermitian, E = E(t, r, v, ...) = EÝ. An important case is the Lie-Santilli isotheory with basic isoproduct (5a).
The isodual isotopic mathematics is the image of the isomathematics under maps (6) and therefore has the unit isod(E) = -EÝ = -E.
These structures have been classified by the theoretical physicist J. V. Kadeisvili in 1991 into:
4, 5) GENOTOPIC MATHEMATICS AND ITS ISODUAL. The isotopies were proposed in 1978 as particular cases of the broader genotopies [I-1], which are characterized by two different generalized units <E = 1/R and E> = 1/S for the genomultiplication to the left and to the right according to Eqs. (4). The resulting genotopic mathematics, or genomathematics for short, is given by a duplication of the isomathematics, one for ordered products to the left and the other to the right.
The isodual genomathematics is the isodual image of the preceding one, and it is characterized by the systematic application of map (6) to each of the left and right genomathematics.
In an evening seminar delivered at ICM94 Santilli proved that the genotopies can also be axiom-preserving and can therefore provide a still broader realization of known axioms. The proof was presented for product (5b) which, when considered on ordinary spaces and fields with the conventional unit e, is known to verify Albert’s axiom of Lie-admissibility. The same product was proved to verify the Lie axiom when each of the two terms A<B and B>A is computed in the appropriate genoenvelope and genofield with the corresponding genounit.
6, 7) HYPERSTRUCTURAL MATHEMATICS AND ITS ISODUAL. At the IBR meeting on multivalued hyperstructures held at the Castle Prince Pignatelli in August 1995, the mathematician Thomas Vougiouklis and R. M. Santilli presented a new class of hyperstructures, those with well defined hyperunits characterized by hyperoperations. A subclass of the latter hyperstructures important for applications is that with hyperunits characterized by ordered sets of non-Hermitean elements,
(8b) E> = {A>, B>, ... } = 1/S = {1/S1, 1/S2, ...},
Needless to say, the above studies are in their first infancy and so much remains to be done.
The material of this Web Page is organized following the guidelines of memoir [I-1] according to which there cannot be really new applications without really new mathematics, and there cannot be really new mathematics without new numbers. We shall therefore give utmost priority to the lifting of numbers according to the above indicated seven different classes. All remaining generalized formulations can be constructed from the novel base fields via mere compatibility arguments.
We shall then study the novel spaces and geometries which can be constructed over the new fields because geometries have the remarkable capability of reducing the ultimate meaning of both mathematical and physical structures to primitive, abstract, geometric axioms.
We shall then study: the generalized functional analysis which can be constructed on the preceding structures, beginning from Kadeisvili’s new notions of continuity; the all fundamental Lie-Santilli theory; the underlying novel Tsagas-Sourlas integro-differential topology; and other aspects.
Only primary references with large bibliography are provided per each section. Subsequent calls to references of preceding sections are indicated with [I-1], [II-1], etc.
REFERENCE OF SECT. 1: We recommend to study the following memoir and some of the large literature quoted therein
[I-1] R. M. Santilli, Nonlocal-integral isotopies of differential calculus, mechanics, and geometries, Rendiconti Circolo Matematico Palermo, Supplemento No. 42, pages 7-83, 1996.
See also
[I-2] J. V. Kadeisvili, An Introduction to the Lie-Santilli Isotopic theory, Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences, Vol. 19, pages 1349-1395, 1996.
[I-3] J. V. Kadeisvili, "Santilli's Isotopies of Contemporary Algebras, Geometries and Relativities, Second Edition, Ukraine Academy of Sciences, Kiev, 1997 (First Edition 1992).
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LEMMA II-1 [II-1]: The isodual field is a field (i.e., it verifies all axioms of a field).
PROPOSITION II-1 [loc. cit.]: The map F -> isodF is anti-isomorphic.
PROPOSED RESEARCH II-1: Study the isodual number theory, including theorems on prime, factorization, etc.
SIGNIFICANCE: Isodual numbers have a negative norm, thus being useful to represent antimatter.
FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: Contact the IBR staff at ibr@gte.net
LEMMA II-2 [II-2]: Isofields verify all axioms of a field (including closure under the combined associative and distributive laws). The lifting F -> F* is therefore an isotopy.
PROPOSITION II-2 (ref.[II-1], p. 284): When E is an element of the original field F (e.g., an ordinary real number for F = R), the isofield F*(a,+*,x*) is also a field (i.e., closure occurs for conventional numbers a without need to use the isonumbers a* = axE).
PROPOSED RESEARCH II-2: Formulate the real isonumber theory: 1) with a basic unit given by an arbitrary, positive, real number E = n > 0; and 2) under isoduality to a negative-definite unit isodE = -n < 0. These problems can be studied via the simplest possible class of Santilli isofields R*(a,+*,x*) and their isoduals isodR*(isoda,isod+*,isodx*) in which the elements a are not lifted, as per Proposition II.2 above. The study implies the re-inspection of all conventional properties of number theory in order to ascertain which one is dependent on the selected unit. As an example, it is known that the notion of prime depends on the selected unit [II-1] because, e.g., the number 4 becomes prime for the isounit E = 3.
SIGNIFICANCE: An important advance of memoir [II-1] is that the axioms of a field need not to be restricted to the simplest possible unit +1 dating back to biblical times, because they equally hold for arbitrary units. This basic property has far reaching implications. In mathematics the property implies the lifting of all structures defined on numbers; in physics the broadening of the unit implies basically novel applications (See the subsequent Web Page 19 on Open Research Problems in Physics); and in biology it implies a structural revision of current theories (see the subsequent Web Page 20 on Open Research Problems in Biology).
FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: Contact the IBR staff at ibr@gte.net
REMARKS: In the definition of fields and isofields there is no ordering of the multiplication in the sense that in the products axb and a*b one can either select a multiplying b from the left , a>b or b multiplying a from the right a<b, because a>b = a<b (even for non-commutative fields such as quaternions). A genofield requires that all multiplications and related operations (e.g., division, etc.) be ordered EITHER to the right OR to the left because now, e.g., for a commutative field F = R or C, we have the properties a>b = b>a and a<b = b<a, but in general a>b ‚ a<b. Note that in each case the genounit is the left and right unit because (E>)>(a>) = (a>)>(E>) = a> for all possible a>.
LEMMA II-3 [II-1]: Each individual genofield to the right F> or to the left <F is a field. Thus each lifting F -> F> and F -> <F is an isotopy.
PROPOSITION II-3 [II-1]: When E> and <E are elements of an ordinary field F, each genofield F>(a,+>,x>) and <F(a,<+,<x) is a field.
PROPOSED RESEARCH II-4/II-5: Formulate the number theory with 1) a basic unit given by a positive real number E> = n in which all operations are ordered to the right; 2) formulate the same theory under an ordering to the left with a different positive-definite genounit <E = b; 3) construct the isoduals of both theories. These problems can be studied via the simplest possible class of Santilli genofields F>(a,+>,x>) and <F(a,<+,<x) in which the elements are not lifted, as per Proposition II-3 above. The study implies the re-inspection of all conventional properties of the isonumber theory.
SIGNIFICANCE: Another significant advance of memoir [II-1] is that the axioms of a field, not only do not need the restriction to the unit +1, but the operations can be all restricted to be EITHER to the right OR to the left. This simple property has additional far reaching mathematical, physical and biological implications. In mathematics, it implies a dual lifting of all isotopic structures. In physics it implies an axiomatic representation of the irreversibility of the physical world via the most fundamental mathematical notion, the unit. In fact, operations ordered to the right can represent motion forward in time, while operations ordered to the left can represent motion backward in time.
Irreversibility is then reduced to the differences between E> and <E or, equivalently, between a>b and a<b. The inclusion of the isodualities implies the capability to represent all possible four different motions in time: motion forward to future time E>, motion backward to past time <E, motion forward from past time isod(<E), and motion backward from future time isod(E>). In theoretical biology, Santilli’s genonumbers are the foundation of the first known consistent mathematical representation of the irreversibility of biological structures. The addition of isoduality then permits the mathematical representation of certain bifurcations in biology whose treatment is simply beyond conventional mathematics.
SUGGESTED TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: Contact the IBR staff at ibr@gte.net
Prof. T. Vougiouklis
Department of Mathematics
Democritus University of Thrace
GR-67100 Xanthi, Greece, fax +30-551-39348, or
Prof. M. Stefanescu
Department of Mathematics
Ovidius University, Bd. Mamaia 124
Costanta 8700, Romania,
[II-1] R. M. Santilli, Isonumbers and genonumbers of dimension 1, 2, 4, 8, their isoduals and pseudoduals, and “hidden numbers” of dimension 3,5,6,7, Algebras, Groups and Geometries Vol. 10, pages 273-322, 1993 [II-2] T. Vougiouklis, Editor, New Frontiers in Hyperstructures, Hadronic Press, 1996.
N. Kamiya
Department of Mathematics
Shimane University
Matsue 690, Japan
"New Frontiers in Algebras, Groups and Geometries",
Gr. Tsagas, Editor, Hadronic Press, Palm Harbor (1996), pp. 523-551.
N. Kamiya
Department of Mathematics
Shimane University
Matsue 690, Japan
R. M. Santilli
Institute for Basic Research
P., O. Box 1577
Palm harbor, FL 34682, U.S.A.
"New Frontiers in Algebras, Groups and Geometries",
Gr. Tsagas, Editor, Hadronic Press, Palm Harbor (1996), pp. 559-570.
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PROPOSITIONS III-1 [I-1]: Isodual spaces are anti-isomorphic to the
original space.
PROPOSED RESEARCH III-1: Study the isodual Euclidean, isodual
Minkowskian, isodual Riemannian, isodual symplectic and other isodual
geometries, including the isodual calculus, the isodual sphere (i.e.,
the sphere with negative radius), the isodual light cone, etc. [I-1].
SIGNIFICANCE: Isodual geometries are fundamental for the recent isodual
representation of antimatter, e.g., to characterize the shape of an
antiparticle with negative units.
LEMMA III-2 [I-1,III-1]: Isospaces S*(x*,G*,F*) are locally isomorphic
to the original space S(x,g,F). The lifting S -> S* is therefore an
Proof. Each component of the metric g is lifted by the corresponding
element of T, while the unit is lifted by the corresponding inverse
amount E = 1/T, thus preserving the original geometric axioms.q.e.d.
PROPOSITION III-3 [III-2]: The axioms of the Euclidean geometry in
n-dimension admit as particular cases all possible well behaved,
real-valued, symmetric and positive-definite metrics of the same
REMARKS.To be consistently defined, Santilli’s isogeometries require the
isotopies of the totality of the mathematical aspects of the original
geometry, all formulated for a common isounit E with the same dimension
of the isospace. This requires, not only the isotopies of fields
and vector spaces, but also those of all other aspects.
SIGNIFICANCE: The mathematical and physical implications are significant
indeed. Mathematically, the studies permit advances such as: the
unification of all geometries of the same dimension into one single
isotope; the admission under the Riemannian axioms of metric with
arbitrary, nonlinear, integro-differential dependence in the velocities
and other variables; the representation of nonhamiltonian vector-fields
in the local chart of the observer (see the alternative to
Darboux’s theorem, ref. [I-1], p. 63 motivated by the fact that, in view
of their nonlinearity, Darboux’s transforms cannot be used in physics
because the transformed frames cannot be realized in experiments and, in
any case, they violate the axioms of Galilei’s and Einstein’s special
relativity due to their highly noninertial character). Physically, the
studies permit truly basic advances, such as the first quantitative
research on the origin of the gravitational field, a geometric
unification of the special and general relativity via the isominkowskian
geometry in which the isometric is a conventional Riemannian metric, a
novel operator formulation of gravity verifying conventional quantum
axioms; and other advances (see Web Pages 19 and 20).
ibr@gte.net, or
Prof. D. Sourlas
Prof. Gr. Tsagas
Prof. R. Miron
LEMMA III-3: Genospaces to the right S> and, independently, those to the
left <S, are locally isomorphic to the original spaces S.
Proof. The original metric g is lifted in the form g -> Sxg, but the
unit is lifted by the inverse amount I -> E = 1/S, thus preserving the
original axioms. q.e.d.
PROPOSED RESEARCH: Provide a mathematical formulation of Santilli’s
genoeuclidean, genominkowskian, genoriemannian, genosymplectic and other
genogeometries to the left, their corresponding forms to the right and
their isoduals which have been preliminarily studied in ref. [III-1] for
SIGNIFICANCE: Another important aspect of memoir [I-1] is that the
Riemannian axioms do not necessarily need a symmetric metric because the
metrics can also be nonsymmetric with structure g> = Sxg, S
nonsymmetric, provided that the geometry is formulated on an isofield
with isounit given by the INVERSE of the nonsymmetric part, E = 1/S, and
the same occurs for the left case. This property has permitted the first
quantitative studies on irreversibility of interior gravitational
problems via the conventional Riemannian axioms, as it occurs in the
physical reality, e.g., the irreversibility of the structure of Jupiter
or of a collapsing star, for which purpose the genogeometries were
constructed in the first place [III-1].
The existence of these geometries has been only indicated in ref. [I-1]
without any detailed treatment.
[III-1] R. M. Santilli, Elements of Hadronic Mechanics, Vol. I,
Mathematical Foundations, Ukraine Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Second Edition, 1995.
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To be operational, the seven classes of novel mathematical methods of
the preceding sections require seven corresponding generalized forms of
functional analysis, which are here recommended for study in a
progressive way, beginning with the simplest possible case of
Mathematical work done to date in these new topics has been rather
limited. We here mention: Santilli has preliminarily studied
the structure of the seven forms of differential calculus [I-1],
isotrigonometric and isohyperbolic functions, the isofourier transforms
and few other aspects {III-1]; Kadeisvili [IV-1,2] has studied basic
definitions of isocontinuity and its isodual and reinspected some of
the studies in the field; H. C. Myung and R. M. Santilli [IV-3]
studied the isotopies of the Hilbert space, Dirac delta distributions
and few other notions; A. K. Aringazin, D. A. Kirukhin and R. M.
Santilli [IV-4] have studied the isotopies of Legendre, Jacobi and
Bessel functions and their isoduals; M. Nishioka [IV-5] studied the
Dirac-Myung-Santilli isodelta distribution (see [III-1] for a review up
to 1995).
ibr@gte.net, or A. K. Aringazin and D. A. Kirukhin at
[IV-1] J. V. Kadeisvili, Elements of functional isoanalysis, Algebras,
Groups and Geometries vol. 9, pages 283-318, 1992.
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LEMMA V-1 [I-1]: IsodL is anti-isomorphic to L.
PROPOSED RESEARCH V-1: Reformulate Lie's theory (enveloping associative
algebras, Lie algebras, Lie groups, transformation and representation
theories, etc.) for the Lie-Santilli isodual theory with an
n-dimensional negative-definite unit E = - Diag(1, 1, ... 1).
SIGNIFICANCE: Isodual symmetries characterize antiparticles.
(9) E, X, (Xi)*(Xj) (i ¾ j), ...,
REMARKS. The conventional exponentiation is no longer applicable for
U*(L) and must be replaced by the isoexponentiation
(10) isoexpA = E + A/1! + A*A/2! + ... = {exp(AxT)}xE = Ex{exp(TxA)}.
Since Lie’s theory leaves invariant its basic unit, the
functional dependence of the isounit E is left unrestricted and,
therefore, can depend on an independent variable t (say time), local
chart r of the carrier space, its derivatives v = dr/dt, a = dv/dt and
any other needed variable, E = E(t, r, v, a, ...) = 1/T. The
nontriviality of the Lie-santilli isotheory can therefore be seen up-front
because it implies the appearance of a nonlinear, integro-differential
element T in the EXPONENT of the group structure, Eq. (10).
DEFINITION V-3. Let L be an n-dimensional Lie algebra as per Definition
V-1. A Lie-Santilli isoalgebra [V-1] L* of Class I is the algebra homeomorphic to
the antisymmetric algebra [U*(L)]- of U*(L). It can be defined as an isovector space with the
same ordered basic X* = X of L equipped with the isoproduct
(11) [A, B]* = A*B - B*A = AxT(t, r, v, a, ...)xB - BxT(t, r, v, a,
LEMMA V-3 [III-1]: Lie-Santilli isoalgebras are left and right
isolinear, i.e., they verify the left linearity conditions on L* as an
isovector space over F*,
(12a) {[(a*)*A* + (b*)*B*, C*]* = (a*)*[A*,B*]* + (b*)*[B*, C*]*
(12b) [(A*)*B*, C*] = (A*)*[B*, C*]* + [A*, C*]*(B*)
DEFINITION V-4: Let G be an n-dimensional connected Lie transformation
group r’ = K(w)xr on a space S(r,F), where w are the parameters in F,
verifying the usual conditions
(differentiability of the map GxS -> S, invariance of the basic unit e =
I, and linearity), as well as the conditions to be derived from the Lie
algebra L via exponentiation
(13a) Q(w) = {exp(ixXxw)} x Q(0) x {exp(-ixwxX)}
(13b) i [Q(dw) - Q(0) ] / dw = QxX - XxQ = [ Q, X].
(14) r*’ = Q*(w*)] * (r*) = [Q*[w*)] x T(t, r, v, a, ...) x r
(15a) Q*(w*) = {isoexp[i(X*)*(w*)]} * [Q*(0)] * {isoexp[-i(w*)*(X*)]} =
= { exp (i X x T x w) } x Q*(0) x { exp(-iwTX) },
(15b) i [Q*(dw*) - Q*(0) ] / dw* = (Q*) *(X*) - (X*) * (Q*) = [ Q*,
(16) [Q*(w*)]*[Q*(w*’)] = Q*(w* + w*’] , [Q*(w*)]*[Q*(-w*)] = Q*(0*)
= E
LEMMA V-3 [V-1]: Lie-Santilli isoenvelopes U*, isoalgebras L* and
isogroup G* are locally isomorphic to the original structures U, L, and
G, respectively for all possible positive-definite isounit E (not so otehrwise).
The liftings
(17) U -> U*, L -> L* and G -> G*
PROPOSED RESEARCH V-2: Conduct mathematical studies on the Lie-Santilli
isotheory of Class I and its isodual with particular reference to: the isostructure
theory; the isorepresentation theory; and related aspects.
REMARKS. At the abstract, realization-free level, isoenvelopes U*,
isoalgebras L* and isogroups G* coincide with the conventional envelopes
U, algebras L and groups G, respectively, by conception and construction
for all positive-definite isounits E (not necessarily so otherwise).
This illustrates the insistence by Santilli in indicating that the
isotopies do not produce new mathematical structures, but only new
realizations of existing abstract axioms.
As a result of the, the isorepresentation theory of U,
L and G on isospaces over isofields is expected to coincide with the
conventional representations of the original structures U, L and G on
conventional spaces over conventional fields. The aspect of the
isorepresentation theory which is important for applications is the
PROJECTION of the isorepresentation on conventional spaces. Stated
differently, Lie’s theory admits only one formulation, the conventional
one. On the contrary, the covering Lie-Santilli isotheory admits two
formulations, one in isospace over isofield and one given by its
projection on conventional spaces over conventional fields.
The latter are important for applications, e.g., because the physical
space-time is the conventional Minkowski space, while the isominkowski
space is a mathematical construction. As a result, the
isorepresentation theory of the Poincare’-Santilli isosymmetry [V-4] on
isominkowski space over isofields is expected to coincide with that of
the conventional symmetry on the conventional Minkowski space over the
conventional field of real numbers. The mathematically and physically
significant aspects are given by the PROJECTION of the isorepresentation
on the conventional Minkowski space-time.
SIGNIFICANCE: The isotheory characterizes all infinitely possible, well
behaved, arbitrarily nonlinear, nonlocal-integral and nonhamiltonian,
classical and operator systems by reducing them to identical isolinear,
isolocal and isocanonical forms in isospaces over isofields, thus
permitting a significant simplification of notoriously complex
PROPOSED RESEARCH V-3: Study the Lie-Santilli isotheories of Classes III (union
of Class I with positive-definite and II with negative definite isounits E),
Class IV (Class III plus null isounit E) and Class V
arbitrary isounits E, including discontinuous realzioations). As a particular case
unify all simple Lie algebras of the same dimension in Cartan's classification
into one single isoalgebra of the same dimension of Class III,
whose study has been initiated by Tsagas and Sourlas [V-4].
REMARK 1. In his original proposal on the isotopies of Lie's theory of 1978
(see the references inn [V-1]),
Santilli proved the loss at the abstract level of all distinction between
compact and noncompact Lie algebras of the same dimension provided that the
isounit has an arbitrary positive- or negative-definite signature (Class III).
This was illustrated via the algebra of the rotation group in three dimension O(3).
When its conventional
generators X1, X2, X3 (the components of the angular momentum) are equipped with
the isounit E = Diag. (+1, +1., -1) and isoproduct (11) they characterize the
noncompact O(2.1) algebra. The isoalgebra O*(3) with the fixed generators
X1, X2, X3 equipped
with isoproduct (11) and a isotopic element T of Class III
therefore unifies all simple Lie algebras of dimension 3.
This result has been proved to hold also for all orthogonal and unitary algebras,
and it is expected to hold for all possible Lie algebras, including the
exceptional ones.
REMARK 2. As indicated in the subsequent Web Page 19, the zeros of the isounit
represent gravitational singularities. The study of the Lie-Santilli theory of
Class IV is therefore important for applications. No study in on record at this
writing in this field which requires the prior study of numbers, spaces,
geometries, etc., whose units can be psoitive, negative as wel as null. No study is
also on record on the isotoppies of Class V.
IMPORTANT NOTE. Visitors of this page should be aware that the treatment
of the isoproduct [A, B]* = AxTxB - BxTxA on conventional spaces over
conventional fields is not invariant under the group action and, as
such, it has no known physical value. In fact, when realized on a
Hilbert space over a conventional field, isogroups G* are characterized
by nonunitary transforms WWÝ ‚ I. As a result, the base unit of a
conventional treatment of the isoproduct [A, B]* is not left invariant
by the isogroup, I -> I’ = WxIxWÝ ‚ I, and, consequently, the
isoproduct itself is not invariant, [A, B]* -> Wx[A, B]*xWÝ = A’xT’xB’ -
B’xT’xA’, where T’ = (WÝ to -1)xTx(W to -1) ‚ T. The loss of the
traditional invariance of Lie’s theory then implies the lack of
meaningful applications.
On the contrary, when treated via the isotopic mathematics, that is,
formulated on isospaces over isofields, the isoproduct [A, B]* is fully
invariant. For instance, by considering again the operator realization,
the originally nonunitary structure of G* is turned into identical
isounitary forms, i.e., we can write W = (W*)x(square root of T) for
which WxWÝ = (W*)*(W*Ý) = (W*Ý)*(W*) = E, in which vase the base isounit
E of the isofield is invariant, E -> E’ = (W*)*E*(W*Ý) = (W*)*(W*Ý) = E,
and the isoproduct is consequently invariant, (W*)*[A, B]*x(W*Ý) =
A’xTxB’ - B’xTxA’, where one should note that T is numerically
preserved. The above occurrence illustrate the necessity of using Santilli’s
isonumbers and isospaces for meaningful applications.
ibr@gte.net, or
Prof. Gr. Tsagas
In 1948 the American mathematician A. A. Albert (Trans. Amer. Mat. Soc. Vol. 64,
p. 552, 1948) introduced the notion of Lie-admissible algebras (presented in Sect. I
and called the First Condition of Lie-admissibility). The formulation was done
within the context of nonassociative algebras, in which context they have been
studied by various mathematicians until recently. Also, Albert was primarily
interested in the "Jordan content" of a given "nonassociative" algebra and, for
this reason, he studied the product (a, b) = pxaxb + (1-p)xbxa, where
p is a real parameter, which admits the commutative Jordan product for p = 1/2.
In 1967 Santilli (Nuovo Cimento Vol 51, p. 570, 1967) was the first physicist to
study Lie-admissible algebras. He noted that Albert's definition did not
admit Lie algebras in their classification and, for this reason, the
algebras had limitations in physical applications. He therefore
introduced a new notion of Lie-admissibility which is Albert's definition
plus the condition of admitting Lie algebras in their classification (this is
called the Second Condition of Lie-admissibility). In
particular, Santilli studied the product (a,b) = pxaxb - qxbxa, where p, q,
and p+or-q are non-null parameters, which does indeed admit the conventional
Lie product as a (nondegenerate) particular case, and which constitutes the first
formulation in scientific record of the "deformations" of Lie algebras
of the contemporary physical literature (see the next Web Page 19).
In 1978 Santilli (Hadronic J. Vol. 1, p. 574, 1978) notes his Second Condition
of Lie-admissibility was still insufficient for physical applications because
Lie-admissibility implies "nonunitary" time evolutions under which the
"parameters" p and q become "operators". He therefore introduced a more general
definition of Lie-admissibility which is Albert's definition plus the
conditions that the attached antisymmetric algebra is Lie-isotopic, rather than
Lie, and the algebras admit conventional Lie algebras in their classification
(this is the Third Condition of Lie-admissibility, also called Albert-Santilli
Lie-admissibility, or General Lie-admissibility).
In this way,
Santilli introced the product (A, B) = AxRxB - BxSxA, Eq.s (5b),
where R, S, and R+or-S are
fixed and nonull vector-fields, matrices, operators, etc. for which the attached
antisymmetric algebra is the isotopic form [A,B] = (A, B) - (B, A) = AxTxB -
BxTxA, T = R+S, while admitting of the conventional Lie product
for R+S = 1. The product
(A, B) is also the first on scientific records of the so-called "quantum groups"
of the contemporary physical literature. The same product, being neither totally
antisymetric nor totally symmetric, includes as particular cases supersymmetric
and other generalizations of the Lie product (see the next Web Page 19).
In the same memoir of 1978, Santilli reduced the study of the Lie-admissible product
(A, B) = AxRxB - BxSxA to its two isoassociative
envelopes AxRxB and BxSxA, that is, he reduced the representation theory of the
nonassociative product (A, B) to that of its two, right and left envelopes
with "isoassociative" product AxRxB and BxSxA [V-5], in essentially the same way as
the study of the Lie product [A, B] = AxB - BxA is reduced to
that of the associative ones AxB and BxA.
The terms Santilli's Lie-admissible theory or genotheory are referred to
the latter context, that is, to a dual left and right lifting of Lie's theory
(enveloping associative lagebras, Lie algebras, Lie groups,
representation theory, etc.).
The tool which permitted this formulation is that of a
bi-representation (split-null extension) [V.5]. The main point is that
bi-modular Lie-admissible structures are contained in the structure of
CONVENTIONAL Lie’s groups. In fact, Eq.s (13) can be written [V-1]
(18b) i [Q(dw) - Q(0) ] / dw = W < X - X > W
An important observation of Ref. [V-1] is that group structure (18) can
also be written in a non-trivial bi-modular form characterized, first,
by the isotopic modular actions to the right and to the left and, then,
their differentiation into genotopic forms. To put it bluntly, a
bimodular Lie-admissible structure is already contained in the
conventional structure of Lie groups. It merely remained un-noticed
until 1978. In fact, the modular associative product to the right can be
realized via the right genoassociative algebra U> with product A>B =
AxSxB and that to the left via the left genoassociative algebra <U with
product A<B = AxRxB with corresponding genounits to the right and left
E> = 1/S and <E = 1/R. Eq.s (18) then yield Santilli’s Lie
admissible theory [V-1]
= {[exp(ixXxSxw)]xE>} x S x Q(0) x R x {
= Q x R x X - X x S x Q = (Q, X)
In an evening seminar delivered at ICM94 Santilli completed his
Lie-admissible theory by showing that the algebra with Product (A, B) =
AxRxB - BxSxA does indeed verify the Lie axioms (antisymmetry and Jacobi
law), provided that the terms A<B and B>A are represented in their
respective genoenvelopes <U and U>over corresponding genofields
<F and
To understand better how the Lie-admissible product (A, B) = AxRxB -
BxSxA, with R different than S, can be antisymmetric, recall that
conventional Lie algebra admit one single realization, that on
conventional spaces and fields (read: with respect to the trivial unit I
= Diag.(1, 1, ...1)); the isoalgebras admit instead a dual realization,
that on isospaces over isofield (read: with respect to the isounit E) as
well as the projection on conventional spaces over conventional fields
(read: with respect to the conventional unit I); for the genoalgebras we
have essentially the a similar occurrence, namely, they can be computed
on the right and left genospaces over right and left genofields (read:
right and left genounits E> and <E), in which case the product (A, B)
verifies the Lie axioms, or it can be computed in its projection in
conventional spaces and fields (read: with respect to the conventional
unit I), in which case the product (A, B) is manifestly non-Lie.
Equivalently, the Lie character of the product (A, B) = A<B - B>A on
genospaces over genofields can be seen from the fact that the lifting of
the associative envelope AxB -> A>B = AxSxB is compensated by an INVERSE
lifting of the unit I -> E> = 1/S, thus preserving the original
structure (i.e., U and U> are isomorphic), and the same occurs for the
right product (i.e., U and <U are also isomorphic). Thus, at the
abstract, realization-free level, the product (A, B) verifies the
anti-commutative law and the Jacobi law
(20b) ((A, B), C){<S, S>} + ((B, C), A){<S, S>} + ((C, A), B){<S, S>} = 0.
SIGNIFICANCE: Lie algebras are the algebraic counterpart of conventional
geometries; Lie-Santilli isoalgebras are the algebraic counterpart of
the isogeometries; and, along similar lines, genoalgebras are the
algebraic counterpart of the genogeometries. The conventional, modular
representation theory of Lie algebras characterize particles in linear,
local, canonical and reversible conditions; the isomodular
representation theory of Lie-Santilli isoalgebras characterize particles
in nonlinear, nonlocal and noncanonical but still reversible conditions;
the bi-modular representation theory of the genoalgebras characterizes
particles in nonlinear, nonlocal, noncanonical as well as irreversible
conditions, such as a neutron in the core of a neutron star.
The most advanced definition of “particle” in physics, admitting all
other as particular case, including those characterized by string and
supersymmetric theories, is a bi-isomodular representation of the
Lie-admissible covering of the Poincare’ symmetry.
PROPOSED RESEARCH V-5: Study the multivalued realization of the
Lie-admissible theory, first, with ordinary operations, and then with
SIGNIFICANCE: Besides the evident mathematical significance,
multi-valued spaces have already seen their appearance in
cosmology, and their need in biology is now established in
view of the complexity of biological systems.
ibr@gte.net or
Prof. T. Vougiouklis
[V-1] R. M. Santilli, Foundations of Theoretical Mechanics, Vol. II,
Springer-Verlag, 1983;
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Prepared by the IBR staff.
DEFINITION III-1: Let S = S(r,g,R) be a conventional n-dimensional
metric or pseudo-metric space with local chart r, nowhere singular,
real-valued and symmetric metric g and invariant (rt)xgxr (where rt
denotes transposed of r) over a conventional field R = R(a,+,x) of real
numbers. Santilli’s isodual spaces isodS = isodS(isodr,isodg,isodR) is
the vector space with local chart isodr = -r, isodual metric isodg = -g
and isodual invariant (isodrt)x(isodg)x(isodr) = [(rt)xgxr](isode) on
isodR. Isaodual geometries are the geometries on
isodual spaces, thus based on negative-definite units.
DEFINITION III-2: Let S = S(r,g,R) be a conventional n-dimensional
metric or pseudo-metric space with local chart r, nowhere singular,
real-valued and symmetric metric g and invariant (rt)xgxr (where rt
denotes transposed) over a conventional real field R = R(a,+,x).
Santilli’s isospaces [I-1] S*(r*,G*,R*) are vector spaces with local
isocoordinates r* = rxE, isometric G* = g*xE = TxgxE and isoinvariant
(r*t)*G*r* = [(rt)x(g*)xr]xE over an isofield R* = R*(a*,+*,x*) with a
common isounit E = 1/T of Kadeisvili Class I. Santilli’s isogeometries
[III-1] are the geometries of isospaces. The isodual isospaces and
isodual isogeometries are the corresponding images under isoduality
Provide a mathematical formulation of Santilli’s
isoeuclidean, isominkowskian, isoriemannian, isosymplectic and other
isogeometries and their isoduals which have been only preliminarily
studied for physicists in ref. [III-1].
Department of Mathematics
University of Patras
Gr-26100 patras, Greece
Fax +30-61-991 980
Department of Mathematics
Aristotle University
Thessaloniki 54006, Greece
Fax +30-31-996 155
Department of Mathematics
“Al. I. Cuza” University
6600 Iasi, Romania
DEFINITION III-3: Let S = S(r,g,R) be a conventional n-dimensional
metric or pseudo-metric space with local chart r, nowhere singular,
real-valued and symmetric metric g and invariant (rt)xgxr over a
conventional real field R = R(a,+,x). Santilli’s n-dimensional
genospaces to the right [I-1] S>(r>,G>,R>) are vector spaces with local
genocoordinates to the right r> = rxE>, genometric G> = (g>)x(E>) =
SxgxE>, genoinvariant (r>t)>(G>)(r>) = [(rt)x(g>)xr]xE> over the
genofield R> = R>(a>,+>,x>), common genounit to the right E> = 1/S
given by an everywhere invertible, real-valued, non-symmetric nxn
matrix, and all operations ordered to the right. Santilli’s
genogeometries [III-1] are the geometries of genospaces. The isodual
genospaces and isodual genogeometries are the corresponding images under
isoduality [I-1,III-2]. Santilli’s n-dimensional genospaces to the left
[I-1] <S(<r,<+,<R) are genospaces over genofields with all operations
ordered to the left and a common nxn-dimensional genounit to the left <E
= 1/R which is generally different than that to the right E> = 1/S.
Genogeometries to the left and their isoduals are the geometries over
the corresponding genospaces.
Extend the studies of the genogeometries to the right and to the left to
the case when the corresponding genounits are given by an ordered set of
invertible, real-valued and nonsymmetric nxn elements, first, with
ordinary operations and then with hyperoperations.
Gr. Tsagas
Department of Mathematics
Aristotle University
Thessaloniki 54006, Greece
Algebras, Groups and Geometries, Vol. 13, pages 149-169, 1996
Sergiu I. Vacaru
Institute of Applied Physics
Academy of Sciencves of Moldova
5,. Academy Street
Fax +3732-738149, E-address lises@cc.acad.md
In press at Algebras Groupos and Geometries, Vol. 14, 1997
Recept Aslander
Inonu Universitesi
Egitim Fakultesi
Matematik Egitimi Bolumu
44100 Malatya, Turkey
Sadik Keles
Inonu Universitesi
Fen-Edebiyat Fakultesi
Matematik Bolumi
44100 Malatya, Turkey
In press at Algebras, Groups and Geometries, Vol. 14, 1997
Conventional and special functions and transforms and functional
analysis at large are dependent on the assumed basic unit. As an
example, a change of the two-dimensional unit of the Gauss plane implies
a change in the very definition of angles and trigonometric functions,
and the same happens for hyperbolic functions, Fourier, Laplace and
other transforms, Dirac and other distributions, etc.
[IV-2] J. V. Kadeisvili, Elements of the Fourier-Santilli isotransforms,
Algebras, Groups and Geometries Vol. 9, pages 319-242, 1992
[IV-3] H. C. Myung and R. M. Santilli, Modular-isotopic Hilbert space
formulation of the exterior strong problem, Hadronic J. Vol. 5, pages
1277-1366, 1982.
[IV-4] A. K. Aringazin, D. A. Kirukhin and R. M. Santilli, Isotopic
generalization of Legendre, Jacobi and Bessel functions, Algebras,
Groups and Geometries Vol. 12, pages 255-359, 1995.
[IV-5] M. Nishioka, Extension of the Dirac-Myung-Santilli delta
functions to field theory, Lett. Nuovo Cimento Vol. 39, pages 369-372,
Prepared by the IBR staff
DEFINITION V-1: Let L be an n-dimensional Lie algebra with ordered
Hermitean basis X = {A,B, ...} = XÝ, conventional commutator [A, B] =
AxB - BxA (where AxB is conventionally associative) over a field F (of
characteristics zero). A Lie-Santilli isodual algebra [I-1] isodL is the
image of L under the isodual map (5), thus including isodual generators
isodX = -XÝ = -X, isodual commutator isod[A, B] = (isodA)isodx(isodB) -
(isodB)isodx(isodA) = - [A, B], etc., all defined on an iusodualF with
negative-definite unit E = -Diag. (1, 1, ..., 1), and norm.
DEFINITION V-2: Let U(L) be the enveloping associative algebra of a Lie
algebra L with infinite-dimensional basis (Poincare’-Birkhoff-Witt
theorem) 1, X, (Xi)x(Xj )(i ¾ j), .. and conventional exponentiation
expA = 1 + A/1! + AxA/2! + ...over a field F. Santilli’s universal
enveloping isoassociative algebra U*(L) of L [V-1] of Class I is characterized by
the isotopies of the Poincare’-Birkhoff-Witt theorem) with infinite-dimensional
where the isounit E = 1/T is of Kaidesvilki Class I (positive-definite)
has the same dimension of the representation
at hand and A*B = AxTxB, with base isofield
F* characterized by the same isounit E of U*(L). The isodual
isoassociative envelope is the image of U* under isoduality.
The symbol U*(L) rather than U*(L*) is used to indicate that the basis X
of L is unchanged under isotopy and merely redefined in isospace,thus
X* = X. This is the most significant case on physical grounds because
generators of Lie symmetries represent quantities such as energy,
linear momentum, angular momentum, etc. which, as such, cannot be changed.
Only the operations defined in them can be changed.
REMARKS. Lie-Santilli isoalgebras verify the conventional Lie axioms
(anti-commutativity of the product and Jacobi identify), only formulated
in isospace (that is, with respect to the isoassociative produce A*B)
over the isofield F*.
and corresponding right conditions. Isoalgebras L* are isolocal (in the
sense of being everywhere local-differential except at the isounit E)
and isocanonical (in the sense of admitting a canonical structure in
isospace, see [III-1] for brevity).
A connected Lie-Santilli isotransformation group [V-1] G* of Class I
is the set of isotransforms
on a Class I isospace S*(r*,F*), where now the
isoparameters w* = wxE belong to F*,
which verifies the usual conditions in their
isotopic form (Kadeisvili’s isodifferentiability of the isomap (G*)*S*
-> S*, invariance of the isounit E, and isolinearity), as well as the
conditions to be derivable from the Lie-Santilli isoalgebra L* [V-1]
with isogroup laws [V-1]
The isodual Lie-Santilli isogroups isodG* are the isodual image of G* under map (5).
are therefore isotopies.
Prof. D. Sourlas
Department of Mathematics
University of Patras
Gr-26100 patras, Greece
Fax +30-61-991980
Department of Mathematics
Aristotle University
Thessaloniki 54006, Greece
Fax +30-31-996 155
HISTORICAL NOTE: Lie algebras are "nonassociative" in the sense that their
product [A, B] = AxB - BxA is nonassociative. Yet their representations
are reduced to those of their universal enveloping associative algebras
U(L) with product AxB because of the homeomorphism between L and the attached
antisymmetric algebra U(L)-.
(18a) Q(w) = {exp(ixXxw)} > Q(0) < {exp(-ixwxX)}
where > means conventional modular-associative “action to the right” and
< “action to the left”. The bi-modular character is trivial in Lie’s
case because the action of a conventional Lie group
from the left is minus the transpose action from the right.
(19) Q(w) = {exp>(ixXxw)} > Q(0) < {exp<(-ixwxX)} =
In this way the representation theory of the Lie-admissible algebra with
nonassociative product (A, B) is first reduced to a bi-representation
theory on {<U, U>} and then shown to admit a Lie-admissible group
structure in a way fully parallel to the conventional Lie case.
(20a) (A, B){<S,S>} = -(B, A){<S, S>}
PROPOSED RESEARCH V-4 : Study the Lie-admissible theory and its isodual with
particular reference to: the genostructure theory, the transition from
the genoalgebras to related genogroups; the representation theory; etc.
A further advance of the recent memoir [I-1]
is that the genounits
E> and <E can be ordered sets of nonhermitean quantities under ordinary
operations, in which case the Lie-admissible theory becomes multivalued
yet still preserving the original Lie axioms at the abstract level. A
form of hyper-Lie theory defined via hyperoperations was also introduced
by Santilli and Vougiouklis in ref. [II-2].
Department of Mathematics
Democritus University of Thrace
GR-67100 Xanthi, Greece, fax +30-551-39630
[V-2] D. S. Sourlas and Gr. Tsagas, Mathematical Foundations of the
Lie-Santilli Theory, Ukraine Academy of Sciences, Kiev, 1993.
[V-3] J. V. Kadeisvili, An introduction to the Lie-Santilli isotheory,
Rendiconti Circolo Matematico Palermo, Suppl. No. 42, pages 83-136, 1996.
[V-4] R. M. Santilli, Nonlinear, nonlocal and noncanonical,
axiom-preserving isotopies of the Poincare’ symmetry, J. Moscow Phys.
Soc. Vol. 3, pages 255-297, 1993.
[V-5] R. M. Santilli, Initiation of the representation theory of
Lie-admissible algebras on a bimodular Hilbert space, Hadronic J. Vol.
3, pages 440-506, 1979.
Gr. Tsagas
Department of Mathematics
Aristotle University
Thessaloniki 54006, Greece
Algebras, Groups and Geometries Vol., 13, pp. 129-148, 1996
J. V. kadeisvili
Institute for Basic Research
P. O. Box 1577
Palm Harbor, FL 34682 U.S.A. (br>
Mathematical Methods in applied sciences Vol. 19, pp.1349-1395, 1996
M. Nishioka
Yamaguchi 753, Japan
"New Frontiers in Algebras, Groups and Geometries",
Gr. Tsagas, Editor, Hadronic Press, Palm Harbor (1996), pp.553-558.
J. V. kadeisvili
Institute for Basic Research
P. O. Box 1577
Palm Harbor, FL 34682 U.S.A. (br>
Submitted for ppublication
Copyright © 1997-2000 Institute for Basic
Research , P. O. Box 1577, Palm Harbor, FL 34682, U.S.A.
Last Revised March 9th, 2000.